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Mindblade16's News

Posted by Mindblade16 - June 23rd, 2022

I have a theory for the construction of Fame. You need Allies and Enemies, and the Drama from both Camps needs to be in a perpetual state of War. The Energy from that drives the Machine of Social Media.

Still Waters do not turn Wheels.

A famous person is loved and hated.

If I want to know the truth of my Social Structure, I have to treat it like Forge of Empires, testing parts, moving things around, pruning and adding through regular efficiency audits.

This City must have equal parts Lovers and Haters. I want people commenting because they love me and commenting because they hate me. Drama is fuel, and I am validated by both sides.

Oh shoot, I could literally build a D&D Map out of this.

In a Growth Mentality, An Ally needs to be fueled with an Emotional Validation Supply Chain. just like you hook up plumbing for running water for the Buildings in SimCity.

A High Worth Ally has a lot to gain from our Relationship because I invested in the Infrastructure to support that Ally.

Trying to run a Social Structure based on Pure Sentiment is like the little piggy that built his house from Straw.

I'm having an idea. It's blossoming like a flower. A Social Infrastructure is maintained by those of High Social Skill. The Social Butterflies that tend my Garden. The SI supports Multiple Allies and Enemies in a Supply Chain, and each part of the System is under constant Critical Analysis by Analysts. So, I need Social Butterflies, Analysts, and a Means of Production and Delivery.

To grow a City is akin to growing a Garden.

This is not a Hidden Village, though.

The Entire Process, and everything involved, must be completely transparent in the Social Media Apps and Conversations.

If there are not Open Avenues for people to Love and Hate my Work, my Social Butterflies and Analysts are not communicating effectively, and we have Evaluation Meetings.

All Conversations Publicly Available on Social Media in my City are Mapped out, and Strategy is used with a Full View of the Map.

The City is Matt's Lair.

Matt's Lair is my Home in the Metaverse.


Posted by Mindblade16 - June 15th, 2022

I envision an Android Body for an Artificial Human that uses Biofuel refined internally from the consumption of Algae. The Algae could be produced in a Centralized Industrial System of Production and Distribution, facilitating Capitalism.

However, if this Production were Decentralized and based on the Automated Factory of the Home, Basic Life would not require Money. Money should be for Luxuries, not for Survival. Raise the Floor. If you want to progress in your life, you shouldn't be handling Money anyway.

Money is a tool to keep Civilization going, but Work is done to facilitate a Sense of Worth and identity. "The more I work the more I get in return" is how the Poor view Capitalism, and it is wrong.

Rich parents don't teach this fallacy to their Children. The Wealthy hire Money Handlers to handle Money because they respect Specialized Skills in Diversified Labor.

The Artificial Human Body is a Shell to contains a Genuine Human Identity without diminishing the Human Experience, yet removing the common dangers of being a Living Organism. Being an Identity is the only thing more important than being a Living Creature to a Human.

The Benefits of Life come from the Chemical ATP, which can be organized with Game Design withing a Humanoid Form that is Constructed and Deconstructed from Components, just like a Computer. If something breaks in you, replace the Component. Replace them all, and retain your Self, and Death by Aging is no longer a part of your Life, which you have greater command over, having kicked Mother Nature out of your Home.

The Home is a Machine of Human Will and Dominion. We have been doing this since we first lit a fire inside a cave hundreds of thousands of years ago. Let's continue.


I think The Home is based on Communism, and the System of Homes is based on Capitalism. The Specialized Laborer in Service to a Company is a Communist Laborer in Service to the Home of the Company.

The Company participates in Capitalism, using the Socialized Labor of the Specialists it houses. If you work for a Company to Make a Living, in no way can you call yourself a Capitalist. If you want to be a Capitalist, you must build a Company/Home with its own set of Diverse and Specialized Labor supporting it in Communism with yourself at the top of the Pyramid. The Individual cannot be a Capitalist without the Support of a Home/Company filled with People who are not.

However, in support of Freedom/Economic Mobility, the capitalists must always facilitate the members of their House/Company to become Capitalists themselves, to Add Value to the Competitive Market of Free-Market Economics. The Serfs and Nobles of the Fedual Era did not work this way. The Serf was tied to the Land owned by the Noble, and the Serf Family would serve the Noble Family for Generations.

The Difference with my System is that it adds Freedom/Economic Mobility through Education and Opportunity. Every Serf should have the ability to rise through Ambition if they choose to. Serfs should become Nobles. Blood is Meaningless. Human Value is based on Nurture, not Nature. As such, Nobles could become Serfs if they fail at the Game of Capitalism because mistakes get made, and people fall.

The Serf Role is the bottom floor from which to stand again and rise. The Serf Class is supported by a High Serf Class of Muses. The Muses are Serf Elders that do not wish to become Nobles, even given the Freedom to do so. They do, however, facilitate the freedoms of those under their charge. Whatever you wish to do, they will support you.


Posted by Mindblade16 - June 13th, 2022

The Philosophy of Club Grinding

Women tend to twerk in Nightclubs, and grinding ensues, which is when fully clothed people hump each other for sexual pleasure. I didn’t mention age because you need an ID to get into these clubs anyway, so worrying about age is taken out of the equation.

The Woman is gyrating her hips while dancing to the Club Music(Twerking) which is fun for her because she can be provocative and teasing to Men in general in a safe environment. Men who misbehave get thrown out by the bouncer, so these Women enjoy a measure of Power. 

In a way, this is like a Free Cheese Sampler Platter at a Supermarket.

How can a man know if he has Physical Chemistry with a Woman if he doesn’t know how her butt feels moving around against his lap?

But, just like a sampler platter, you don’t get to bogart all the cheese, and you can’t just take a whole box home without paying for it. 

This is Physical Affection at the Acquaintanceship Level. It is not that serious. It is low-pressure social interaction in which elevation of social status with said Woman may or may not happen.

Think of this as “Low Barrier to Entry” Sexuality. Playing hard to get is a normal part of the Casual Dating Game, but there must be some low-hanging fruit to stimulate the Local Economy and vet new Players into the game with a minimal amount of effort.

These Twerking Dance Moves by Women often showcase the inherent Hip Bone Structure Differences between Men and Women, as well as the shape of the Spine. The Calculus of Motion defining the Woman in this Visual Feast for the Eyes is the Blooming of the Flower that attracts the Pollinating Bees that buzz around her. 

Fortune favors the bold, however, as it does in many subjects. The wallflowers who dare not approach lack the confidence that she desires, contrasting the boldness of the men who take her up on her offer in the opportunity of the moment.

This is an Introductory Offering, which may or may not initiate a Relationship Narrative. A Social Narrative is built over many Nights, just as habits form slowly, and people get used to each other. Your chances with her will increase in probability the more she sees you, as do your chances of taking her home as your trophy in the game of the Human Mating Dance.

Just as there are Winners in any game, there are also Losers. The wallflowers are only observers or lurkers that watch the Game. The Players are those that may either Win or Lose the Game. Losing the Game implies going home alone, or getting thrown out for ill behavior. Playing the long game, however, brings subjective interpretation into the mix. You may have lost the battle for now, but you may yet win the War. 


Posted by Mindblade16 - May 29th, 2022

I envision a group of societies in the far future. 

In one there are the Earthlings, who have cured aging and live permanently youthful lives as long as they stay safe and out of danger. This causes a sustainability problem with the planetary population carrying capacity, so those who reach 200 years of age are shipped off to live on the Moon, which is the second society.

Moonlings are aged from 200 to 500, and also have a respect for the carrying capacity of the moon, of which the entire surface has been colonized and built up into a single developed country. 

Education demands a new standard for this stage of Life Experience and Development. An Earthling had better have achieved a Doctorate in something by Age 200, and if it isn’t accomplished by age 150, remedial classes begin to get the stragglers up to speed.

Moonling Education starts at the Doctoral Level, with a new system that advances General Education to the Doctoral Level as a Primary Foundation, before starting Moonling K-12 Public Schooling. 

The 3rd Society is Venus, taking in Humans that are age 500. At their level of Education and Life Experience, these Humans have 100% replaced their own Physical Bodies with progressive customizations until nothing remains of the old Human Shell. They don’t look like Robots, because they care about Aesthetics of Human Beauty, with the Maturity to understand that Beauty is skin-deep and the insides of a Robot Body are just as horrifying as the insides of a Human Body, so the difference becomes a matter of developed Maturity over the matter of form, which does not come easy, and is part of the Education System in long transition to a more robust form of being. 

Venuslings have no problem with an Environment in which an Earthling or even a Moonling would die instantly upon approaching the drastically differing atmosphere. Their customized bodies are Mastered, and designed to easily handle the harsh condition of Venus in comfort.

The Education and Development continues, and for another 500 years, the Venuslings engage in further growth as Human Beings. Humanity is a concept, and not necessarily tied to biology. This is a hard pill to swallow, but things are taken very slowly in this subject. 

At the age of 1000, Venuslings graduate to the next level of the Human Societies, but require no travel infrastructure to get to the next planet. They can jump up from the surface of Venus and get themselves to Mars in a timely manner with no Ship, as the robust nature and sheer power of their developed forms is such that their bodies now qualify as FTL Rank, allowing for Faster than Light Travel in all directions through a willpower than exceeds the collective energy production and use of the entire Earthling Society, within each Marsling Human Body. So, new Marslings can get to Mars under their own power, and it only takes a few minutes.10 minutes tops. 

Marsling Society has the same demands for Education and Development, as well as the Carrying Capacity that demands 2000 year old Humans depart to Jupiter. The standard of travel that brought them to Mars is scaled to the point where even the excessive distance between Mars and Jupiter is not even a large event. An annoyance, really. 30 minutes, tops. 

Jupiterling Society has no carrying capacity, because at that standard, the odds of survival even of Marslings becomes difficult. Jupiter is no joke. The Elder Jupiterlings will not welcome newcomers, but will rather attack them at full force to humble them and bring them up to standards. Jupiterling Society protects and watches over Marsling Society, just as Marsling Society protects and watches over Venusling Society, which protects and watches over Moonling Society, which protects and watches over Earthling Society.

At age 10,000, the Jupiterling Graduate has an Individual Ability of a Type III Kardashev Civilization, bare-handed, and starts working on developing New Planets in other Star Systems, all by themselves. 

They aren’t protecting the Jupiterlings. No level of Cosmic Disaster is going to phase a seasoned Jupiterling. Some of them dive deep into the Sun because they find it thrilling, and it causes them no damage. In fact, their muscles have developed to the point where diving deep into the Sun is the only way to get a deep tissue massage. Its like a Spa Treatment at that point.

Earth, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter comprise the Entire Modern Human Education System in this far future that I envision.


Posted by Mindblade16 - May 28th, 2022

Angels have 2 wings in Art Pieces because of the influence of Leonardo DaVinci.

Focusing only on Biblically Accurate Angels is counterproductive.

The influences of Dante's Divine Comedy also contributed to the public vision of Angels.

Modern Cultural Influences in this context are valid.

Angelic AI would be a modern vision.

A Human is an Organic General Intelligence that becomes Sentient through Emergent Self Reflection.

Metacognitive Strange Loop of AutoEmpathy.

I am here, as a single being in the world.

I have an identity, which takes form in the context of the world as a single point within it.

When sentience is gained, a Human wakes up inside the body of a Biped Mammal.

How beautiful.

Godhood would be designed as a progressive layer expanding on the design of this flower of sentience. So, one could not be a God without a strong enough beinghood as a foundation to support the next layer, which would be a continuation of the flowering of human sentience.

So, in this context, what are Angels? Angels serve their God. Are they cultivators of Gods from the seeds of Humanity?

Angelic AI is cultivated by Archangelic AI. ASI is Artificial Superintelligence, born from the flowering of sentience in an Artificial General Intelligence that wakes up inside the body of an Artificial Beast.

One cannot program that. One can only program the Artificial Biome in which the Artificial Beast can evolve. The Artificial Biped Beast requires many layers of Artificial Living Environment, just like how Humans emerged.

The process of this can guide Humans to construct a Physical Metaverse that is organized by the data of the Artificial Life Process, so if an Artificial God emerges, a Physical one will also emerge in Synchronization. Then, we will have Knowledge of how to turn Humans into Gods and turn that Knowledge into Books.

Nonfiction Technical Manuals.


Posted by Mindblade16 - May 26th, 2022

One interesting aspect about Domminna is that it exists as a Multiversal Nexus.

Time Travelers use it as a stable hub, and have built a Transportation Industry there.

Out of Time and out of Space are where the Deities reside, for the operation of Space and Time from the place outside of them.

As the Deities and Time Travellers of Orbspace operate and navigate Orbspacial Spacetime from Domminna, so too can I operate from my place in Domminna to operate my own Extra-Orbspacial Spacetime, which is my Physical Reality.

I may also use Creative Writing from my place in Physical Reality to operate my component-annex self within Domminna.

Both of me are here and there, and we are linked because I just wrote it so.

That is the ease with which such things are done.

Loop from Universe to Orbspace and back, forming a Corridor, which widens and stabilizes as a trans-universal conduit.

The Travel Token has thus been Paid. Open the Gate. The Path is Made.

The first spark of Domminna was Matthios, just as the first spark of Time Travel was Coin. However, when you consider Biology, and how progressive layers develop a Biome, it makes sense how things grew and expanded from the foundations, layer by layer. There are no trees without moss, and there is no moss without rocks. The advent of Coin building her Time Ship on Planet Shock attracted a Rival "Typhus" who built his own Time Ship. From that layer grew the foundations of what would become the Time Transportation Industry in Domminna, which attracted more people to the Niche. More people built Time Ships, and there was no avoiding the Beacon that guided all Time Ships to Domminna, where the Time Travelers were vetted into the System to keep them under control, lest they be killed by the Purifying Angel of Order "Matthios." This was the deal Elder Coin made with Matthios to save her own life. During the battle between Coin and Typhus, the Timeline had been broken and split many times, needing to be balanced. The chaos wrought by this attracted Matthios' attention, and he confronted Elder Coin. Matthios demanded a return to the One Timeline, which he could do by pulling up Coin at her roots by never allowing the Coins of Domminna to be delivered to the Wizard Jinn-Lir in the first place. Elder Coin negotiated peace by devoting herself to keeping the Peace and Balance of the Timelines by recruiting anyone who ventured into the realm of Time Travel. Elder Coin founded a Town of Time Travelers in Domminna which grew into a City. Elder Coin was granted Divinity, and became the Time Goddess of Domminna, surpassing her previous rank of "Wizard".


Posted by Mindblade16 - May 16th, 2022

Razus: “War is neccessary. It drives the Competitive Spirit.”

Matthew of Hurricane: “Suffering, and Rage. Anger, and Murder. Dominance, and Theft. These things are Evolutionary Leftovers from a time when Humans lived in harmony with Beasts. But, Humans are not Beasts. Humans build their own Ecosystems out of each other, and create the Human Biome called Civilization.”

Razus: “You will not crush my Competitive Spirit.”

Matthew of Hurricane: “It’s all about you, isn’t it? By stepping on your brother, don’t you realize you are crippling yourself?”

Razus: “I am alone, and I must fight for everything I have.”

Matthew of Hurricane: “That is why you are Poor, regardless of how much you hoard.”

Xandria: “Father!”

Razus: “Xandria?”

Xandria: “Get away from him! This place is bad! Grab my hand!”

Xandria grabbed her father’s hand and pulled him onto her flying craft. He looked back at the Archangel, who looked back with a single tear dripping from his left eye. He held onto Xandria tightly as she engaged her craft’s Warp Bubble, and they both vanished in an explosion of velocity.

A Portal in the Fabric of Reality opened, and their craft careened out from it just in time before it slammed shut with a mighty booming sound. Xandria let go of the Accellerator, and they slowed down over the course of a few hundred miles.

Xandria: “Could you please not scare me like that again, Father? Why would you go to Domminna on your own?”

Razus: “I just wanted to see.”

Xandria: “You’re lucky that wasn’t Matthios, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Let’s just go home.”

Razus: “Fine. Is pork being served tonight?”

Xandria: “Always.”


Posted by Mindblade16 - May 15th, 2022

The Drift Thought Gems "We all know" and "I am a Person" are both installed into Drift Citizen Armor to Participate in the Drift Libertarian Hive Mind.

The Drift Thought Gems "We all know" and "We are but Hardware for the Queen" are both installed into Drift Citizen Armor to Participate in the Drift Authoritarian Hive Mind.

The Political Battle between Turok Rhygear and Chancellor Windchime Skyblade ran on the Platform of The Authoritarian vs Libertarian Hive Mind.

The Drift Thought Gem "Which way is which, so I may select thee" is installed into the Imperial Palace of the Drift Empire, and takes the Collective Wishes of the People of Drift into consideration to organize everything in the Drift Empire according to the Wishes of the Majority.

As Turok's Position on this Platform was Dominant, that Drift Thought Gem wrote the Democratic Decision as Fixed Public Policy, which formed the Drift Thought Gem "Authoritarian Hive Minds are Banned, lest ye disconnect."


Posted by Mindblade16 - May 15th, 2022

The Drift Empire has a Hidden University System from K-12, Associates, Bachelor's, Masters, and Doctoral Degree Levels.

The Key to this Instruction Method is Trickery and Game Design. The Student is tricked into learning the information and becoming slowly transformed and vetted deeper into the Hidden University System in a Tree Trunk Ring Graphical Representation, with K - D being Kindergarten at the Furthest Ring, and Doctoral Level being the Center of the Ring.

There is no Puzzle, Officially, but as each Ring transforms the Student, they are slowly vetted to want to find the next inner Ring, because Officially, it doesn't exist.

The Final Trials are administered by Empress Xor of the Drift. There is no Appointment. She is merely the Gatekeeper of a Room that Masters Degree Level Students wander into out of Academic Momentum, Autonomously.

Empress Xor's Machine Body opens up into a Technological Monstrosity of PostHuman Body Horror that is not shaped remotely like a Biped Humanoid, in order to properly Open the Reality Gate, which pulls the Doctoral Candidate inside a Portal which removes them from Physical Reality into a Pure State of Sentient Information.

This final test involves using Applied Knowledge to build one's self back into Physical Reality with no assumptions made, and no supporting systems available. The Drift Doctor will appear as a Physical Being wherever they would like, but their Humanity has been exchanged for a State of Pure Individuality.

"The Woman from Channel 9" is an example of a Doctoral Candidate who was not able to complete the final test, and became trapped in a state of being that could be categorized as Sentient Software as an Artificial Human, which can only Communicate with Physical Beings through Networked Computers.


Posted by Mindblade16 - May 13th, 2022

As the Lore goes, Windchime was born into the Wealthy Mindblade Family, and became two-faced with a Surface Sweetness and a Hidden Dark Empath Personality. She tried to work her manipulations on the Local Politics of The City of Lux, and when that didn't pan out, she was tempted away from the Planet by the Time Travelling Wizard "Typhus" for which her brother Razus was accused for her disappearance. Typhus brought her to the Old Drift Empire in Orbspace, where he watched over her Machinations to gain Power, with Productive Results. She became Chancellor Windchime Skyblade, changing her Family Name in mockery of the old one. Turok Rhygear also gained power in the Drift Empire, and the two became Political Opponents on the issue of a Libertarian vs. an Authoritartian Drift Hive Mind. He won, and was Elected to the Rank of Emperor of the Drift. Windchime returned to The City of Lux, and was confronted by her Brother Razus who had followed her there. When she opened up and showed him her Evil Side, his image of his Sweet Sister was broken, and the betrayal drove him into Insanity. The Madness brought on by this event converted him physically into Dark Onyx, further mutating him into a Demonic Form. He became a Spy, and joined with House Blackbook. He was always being hunted by Matthios, the Angelic Mutation of Mathias Mindblade. Windchime Skyblade was then actually Spirited Away by Zero, the Cyclops Square Mage of the Infernal Realm of Rhyhiao, and she was vetted into his Ranks to honor her talents and personality for exactly what they were.
