You may balk at having "Preservatives" in your food, but preservatives are an amazing technology.
Your fruits and vegetables would not make it to your table without being covered in mold without the technology of preservatives.
They would not last the shipping process from the farm to your table unless you get all your fruits and veggies from a local farm. Most people use Supermarkets, which operate on Global Trade.
Lots of the foods you eat are imported from other countries with unique climates that are really the only places to grow specific kinds of nourishment.
Obsessing over "Natural" everything makes me laugh. If you were to leave everything to Nature, you would have died of old age at 30. That's why people used to marry and have children as young as 14, because by 30 you looked like a 90-year-old does now.
Medical Technology improved. You have been preserved. You are a perishable good, and you last much longer now. So, the age of consent has gone up to match.
When our lifespans double or triple for the same reasons, research marching on with time, I imagine the age of consent will bump up to 26, at least, when 200 or even 300 is when you start getting grey hair.
People with any sense would abstain from having children until they finish their vocational training and secure meaningful career-track employment in a trade, to feed and provide for the children they have. Being born into poverty is the fault of your parents making bad decisions that were likely from the influences of multigenerational poverty in which their parents made similar mistakes. You weren't a mistake. They should have waited. But likely, they didn't know any better.
You, however, are more educated and informed. You live in the Information Age. You don't have the same excuse.
Of course, it could be said that Humans are not separate from Nature, and even Machinery and Infrastructure are an extension of Nature through Human Civilization which grew through Natural Progression. I can grok that. But there is still some kind of disconnect with that concept. You are yearning for the motherly control of the woods when you speak of Nature. That control has extended to Computer Networks, Roads, and Pipes. It has extended to Language, Books, and Industry.
You may think you have escaped Mother Nature by living in your Apartments with Air Conditioning and Internet with Amazon Deliveries, but in the words of the Buddha:
"What are you talking about? You haven't even left my hand!"