Wind Walker's Family was the house "Ei", and her Father was Yur-Ei. He was a Mythic-level Swordsman and Politician. He died on Cerrus when Wind-Ei was a teenager, and Mathias took the role of Strong Male Role Model, even though his was only a few years older than her at the time. Horizon-Ei became a Widow, and took back her old "Walker" family name, as did her daughter. Wind-Ei became Wind Walker. As a Politician and Warrior, her Father was involved in a lot of trouble in which the fate of the world was at stake. His death was simply the result of his luck running out in that context. He lived by the sword and died by it. Wind Walker swore to never use a Sword, and instead chose to fight with Wind and Sunlight, which she could manipulate with a modified piece of Bamboo and her bare hands. This became part of her personal style as she trained with Mathias growing up. When empowered by Old Akashmiran Magic, she gained the ability of Full Flight as well as a War-Fog that emitted from her pores and was capable of rendering solid structures to shreds. She also attained a Biolumnecent Red Glow to her eyes when her War-Fog was activated, which was the result of overindulging in Old Akashmiran Magic. Horizon Walker took her rage out on Old Akashmiran as a Natural Calamity, and only calmed down when she regained a relationship with her Daughter.