In the Ancient Drift, before Turok, the Drift Stones were much different. They were as Savage as Old Akashmiran. The Stones were: Voidstone, Warpstone, Icestone, and Metalstone. Just as Wind Walker renewed and redesigned Akashmiran, so did Turok revise the Drift into: Intelligencestone, Motionstone, Emotionstone, and Electricitystone.To Humanize and Refine Ancient Forces, both Rulers had many trials to overcome. The Metaverse tested them, and nearly killed them both. It was not so with the brothers Mathias and Razus. Razus claimed the Stones with the power he stole from the Planet of Old Dijinn. The Redstone gave him the Power of Pure Darkness, with which he dominated the 4 Stones of Hate, Destruction, War, and Bloodlust. He did not tame or Humanize them at all. When Mathias came with his Rebellion to counter him, it was with the Power of the Greenstone that the two Brothers had come to a Stalemate, as a Mirror-Symmetry Effect had forged Opposites for each Darkness Stone. That of Love, Creation, Peace, and Lifeblood. So these two Empires of Light and Dark held each other in perpetual check. The Empires of Drift and New Akashmiran were comparatively more Modern and Civilized.