New changes to my Story!
There are 8 Chapters in "Cerrus: A Legend of Wind"
There are 4 Parts to the Book, dividing the 8 Chapters into 2 per part.
Light, the first focus, makes the Subject of those first 2 Chapters an Exposition of House Mindblade.
The Parts are Light, Darkness, Creativity, and Logic.
So, the Subjects, which each contain 2 Chapters, are:
House Mindblade
House Razorblade
House Ei
House Rhygear
A Hero's Journey in 17 Parts is structured within each Chapter, so each Part gets 2 Story Arcs for it's House.
There is also a Main Story Arc which is Structured as The Harmon Circle among the 8 Chapters.
So, there are 8 Progressive Sub-Plots under a Main Plot.
I will build a Beautiful Pattern.