A friend of mine questioned whether an Orb was superior to a Circle, in that Orbius was superior to Circle Oaennar. Instead of seeing a 2d Circle as inferior to a 3d Orb, the dynamic of Circle Oaennar is based on the Balanced Arrangement of all Characters and Forces in the 4 Empires based on The Principles of Design, and Orbius is defined through the Orb, which is a Magic Tool of the Fractal of Imagination within Imagination, ad infinitum. Orb Magic is the Narrative Device I want to use to link the Context of my Fictional Story to our Real World. The Metaverse is now redesigned into the Internet of the 4 Empires called "DD" or Drift Drive, as previously cited: https://mindblade16.newgrounds.com/news/post/1095797 . This redefinition of my use of the term "Metaverse" therefore aligns with the Popular Definition of the term and eliminates that specific bit of confusion. It is not "The Metaverse", but "A Metaverse." This leaves me with a problem. I just started calling my setting "The 4 Empires(5 if you count the Legendary 5th Empire of Rezda Locke-nor(reference: 'Heavy Metal' lock-nar)" and I started referring to the transplanted characters as a whole, in dealing with the Virgonian Empire they landed in, as "The Children of the Lost Metaverse." (facepalm) I feel like I fucked up somewhere.