On the Young Mindblade Noble of the City of Lux, Razus Mindblade:
He's a Barbarian Rogue Type. There was no refinement in the Nobility for such a brute. He learned to be a hired Goon and learned how to hire his own Goons. His Goonmastery elevated his status from a dumb brute into a Noble in his own right and way, which resembled the ascension of a Demon into Manhood.
This was a fine form for the selection of Nightraven Razorblade, and she pursued him.
Their romance was like unto a match made in Hell, with both of them dancing on the faces of the damned.
She led him further into Darkness, as a Razorblade Leader, as his favor with the Mindblade was failing.
It was not a large sacrifice, as his standing was very low, to begin with.
Razus did not get the chance to marry Nightraven before his father, Earthstone, banished him from the very Planet with a Grand Summoning of Light blasting his body quickly into the depths of space, to the point of Lovely Cerrus becoming a speck in the distance.