Matthew of Hurricane: "I prefer the Wayne Dyer interpretation of God. It's what frames my Orbspace concept of Divinity as Infinite Function. Under that definition, the only reason that you can't have anything you Imagine is that you haven't articulated your Request. You get what you give. What do you want? I don't understand you. Come back when you learn how to speak. If you think there are limitations on the concept, that is a story you made up in your head because you feel so unworthy that you self-sabotage. If you do that enough, you won't even realize you're doing it. Seriously, what is it that you Want?! I want to give it to you, but I can't give you something if I don't know what it is!"
Matthios: "I want to find DarkOnyx Blackbook."
Matthew of Hurricane: "(sips coffee)I know. He doesn't want you to find him. He knows how to Speak. "
Matthios: "I want Purification."
Matthew of Hurricane: "It's like you aren't even listening. Get me another Coffee."
Matthios: "Yes, sir."