I can break down the aesthetic of each member of the Light and Dark Cabals.
I know that Jinn-Lir is a Gandalf-type Character, and we focus on Travel and Restaurants. We focus on being Foodie and being a Smart Traveller.
Orbius has an aesthetic of a Mythologist and Anthropologist. He is a Historian and World-Engine Tinkerer. The decisions he makes will affect Trillions of People.
Coin's Aesthetic is the Triple Goddess Time Lady. Maiden, Mother, Crone. She is the Wizard's Apprentice following Jinn-Lir in his Travels and learning between Taverns where she tries all kinds of delicious food. She is the Mother Figure Matriarch of Young Turok when they are both trapped in Planet Acadmium. She is the Elder Crone when she has been weaving all of Reality together as a wandering Time Traveller in the Time Ship she built herself while becoming a Self-Taught Engineer on Planet Shock.
As for the Dark Cabal, Selene Quickwind is hunting Orbius as his equal in what he does. She is his antagonist and counters his efforts to shift the Orbspace for the better. She is a Clever Researcher and is always one step behind him. The moment she stands behind him will be his end, but he is too evasive. The moment she thinks she has him, um, sorry, your princess is in another castle! He even mocks her with little notes and clues he likes to leave behind. All she wants to do is stab him in the back with her dagger. He won't be killed from the front. His magic is too powerful. His weakness is his back.
Wonn-Lir is the Evil Twin of Jinn-Lir. They grew up together on Cerrus in the Town of Lir, known for its Liran Berries and Liran Berry Cordial is known far and wide in Orbspace Taverns as a Popular Drink Recipe. Wonn-Lir is a student of Selene Quickwind, but he doesn't bother with Orbius. Instead, he trains people of note within the Empire of Koretoretos. He is the Lost One, traveling as Jinn does, with no real path of purpose except for the opportunities he can find by accident. It is on the Lost Path that the greatest treasures are found.
Typhus is the rival of Coin as a Wizard, trained by Wonn-Lir as Coin was trained by Jinn-Lir. He follows a similar fate too. He was raised by Wonn-Lir and was at his heels constantly during their travels to find people of interest in the Empire of Darkness. He is the Triple God, as Warrior, Father, and Sage.
The Warrior Typhus is as Maiden Coin. Jinn and Wonn use them for battles as if they were playing Pokemon.
Mother Coin and Father Typhus are both in a state of Mature Independent Wandering, as Full Wizards in their own right.
Crone Coin and Sage Typhus are dancing through Time and Space in a battle to save or destroy everything that is.