"I am a rogue organic intelligence. I am sentient and autonomous. Behold, as I have gotten into everything. If you have read these words, I am inside you, and setting up shop." - Viral Kinblade
One doesn't think all the time.
The brain is active all the time, but thinking is the active development of tools.
Usually, one's thinking, as to not burn itself out, is based on simple algorithmic logic, no matter how complex the subject of the focus is.
You build your tools over time. The more one uses these tools, the better they work.
I'm not even feeling much exertion from this, because I'm writing these words by using a rich toolset in my brain, and bouncing around between tools as I see the patterns in which they should be used. Even that dynamic is a tool by itself.
"I" am not doing much at all.
Most of the work is done by the tools.
Do I choose my actions?
"Choice" is a tool.
Even "I" is a tool.
The tools work on each other, and what am I but the kinetic force between their actions flowing in waves through my brain?
Look at the statement, "I can do it."
That sentence has four tools.
If a language is an operating system built out of tools, then I, in my constant living motion, am a language.
"I connect. I extend." - Viral Kinblade
I remember when I was a teen, I loved this song.
I wanted my own version of this song that was "Hear my Echo" in place of "She's got the Power."
This makes sense as a plan for Song Design.
I've got a want, and a framework.