Design Meeting Protocol://
I propose that there is an organized way of coming up with Original Ideas.
Every Original Idea is inspired by other ideas.
Art is inspired by Art.
Technology is inspired by Nature.
All members of the Design Team are listening to 40 HZ for their Brainwaves on Headphones.
They are all using Internet Archive to become inspired by a Media Consumption Assignment.
They are Visually consuming the Media of the Manga of Tenchi Muyo, Love Hina, and Outlaw Star.
Internally, within themselves, they are instructed to use these artistic influences to build a Generative Model of an Original Idea to contribute to a Brainstorming Session. These notes are written, and will be submitted to the Brainstorming Coordinator for Organized Compilation in an Open Discussion on all Presented Notes in combination.
This forms a Design made of Original Ideas, inspired by a Pre-prescribed List of Media Influences.
I am a Member of The Conceptual Age.
This is my Power.