Philosophy Concept
If I determine what Philosophy you are basing your Logic on, then that makes me feel better.
Your argument works under your Philosophy, but breaks under mine.
I don’t have to feel like a failure for walking away from the Conversation, because its Apples & Oranges.
I have a Worldview that is Mine, and a Creative Mixture of a Set of Philosophies.
I’m not wrong. You just don’t vibe with my reality.
Any advice you give me will not work, even if it worked for you.
You are sloppily trying to apply Empiricism, and driving it like a Drunk into a Tree.
You can’t patronize me, because the same rules that govern you, don’t govern me.
I’m well governed, but not by your Illusion that your own Pattern of Philosophies is somehow Universal under Common Sense.
I’m walking away from a Reality-Infection- Antagonist.
You have a Metaphorical Syringe, and are trying to inject your Reality into Mine.
You want to spread yourself out like a Viral Infection.
This is a play for Power.
According to The Courtier’s Dilemma, now that I have exposed your play for Power, your Reputation is shot, and any plans you had to gain power of any kind will be met with blind societal distrust.
This is why I walk away.
Maybe I’ll even lie, and tell you I’ve bought into your Philosophy, so you’ll stop insisting on it.
Confident of your Victory, you will assume I am infecting more People with your Reality.
Forget my name soon.
Find a new shiny object to play with.