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Age 45, Male

Mad Scientist

Certificate in Game Design


Joined on 1/12/15

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Mindblade16's News

Posted by Mindblade16 - September 23rd, 2024

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I'm not sure how this will show up.

The editor seems to be messing with it.

I'm using a Font Generator.


This is the screenshot of what this is supposed to look like.



Posted by Mindblade16 - September 10th, 2024



Posted by Mindblade16 - September 5th, 2024



Posted by Mindblade16 - September 5th, 2024


It was the start of a new year at Harris High School.

The trees had changed colors to hues of red and orange.

Mary was sitting in her homeroom class for the start of her sophomore year, wondering who her new homeroom teacher was going to be.

She played with her pencil our of sheer boredom, trying in vain to make it balance on the tip, as if such a thing were possible. The clack sound of it falling back on her desk was the dopamine hit that replaced the social media ding from her banned mobile device.

"Who do you think the teacher's going to be?"

"I hear he's new. Rumors are spreading all around school."

"I hope he's not a creep like Mr. Oatmeal."

"That's not his real name."

Mary could hear the other girls chatter and gossip behind her, as usual.

The door opened, and everyone in the room paid rapt attention.

A man walked in, with a nicely professional demeanor, bearing, and style.

Mary gaped, but said nothing.

The man had glowing eyes, horns, and razor sharp teeth.

"Good Morning Class!" the man said as he wrote his name on the blackboard

"My name is Mr. Astaroth."

"Good Morning, Mr. Astaroth!" the class responded in compulsory unison.

Mary always felt slightly unnerved by that unity, but she was even more bothered by it now, since nobody seemed to be bothered in the slightest by the fact that a Demon was now teaching homeroom.

"Another boring teacher."

"Yeah, I guess the rumors were wrong."

"What's going on between you and Andy?"

"Shut up about Andy. He's dead to me. Charles is my new favorite plaything."

"Boys aren't playthings, Julie."

"They are too."

Mary tried to drown out the cackles of her peers as she studied the demon in front of her.

He was behaving normally, as a teacher would, organizing documents and adjusting his spectacles.

Mary could suddenly smell apples. Apple pie. Why was she suddenly smelling Apple Pie?



Posted by Mindblade16 - September 4th, 2024


"Aha! I see you!" he said cheerfully

"Wha? Oh no! What is that?! What are you doing under my Bed?!"

"Did you mistake me for a hiding friend or relative? Do you not see my horns? Did you not notice my razor-sharp teeth and glowing eyes?"

"Agh! What the Hell!"

Mary jumped off her bed and flew out the door, slamming it behind her. She wasn't going to explain herself. Her heart was in her throat. She immediately went outside, bolting down the sidewalk to Jane's House.

The creature laughed. Now, the Pie on the windowsill would be claimed for great victory.



Posted by Mindblade16 - September 3rd, 2024


I'm kind of miserable right now.

I'm a vile villain.

I'm a terrible person.

I'm covered in black slime.

I'm the ick.

Stop looking at me.



Posted by Mindblade16 - March 11th, 2024

My Witch Sense represents bending my Inner World to leverage my External Environment.

My Hacker Sense represents bending my External Environment to leverage my Inner World.

My Hacker Sense is based on Active Externalism, so, in Symmetry, I wonder if my Witch Sense is based on Passive Internalism?

My Hacker Sense is Active, and my Witch Sense is Passive.

There is Masculine Active, and Feminine Passive.

It takes my Feminine Passive Mode to engage a situation where someone becomes a problem for me, and "Give them just enough rope" applies.

Just stand back, and quietly let them engage in Self-Defeat. Don't waste energy on such an Enemy. Strategically silence yourself, and passively observe as your Enemy Self-Destructs.

That's how the Witch thinks.

The Hacker is Active Masculine. He is Reactive, and Controlling. He has extended his Ego to include his Environment.

The Hacker may Self-Destruct if he is not Self-Aware.

Getting absorbed in his Ego and lack of Emotional Intelligence is a Loop of Self-Destruction.

Knowing this, I need both The Witch Sense and The Hacker Sense to be running simultaneously. I need Passive Observation and Active Control.

I need a Centering of Inner and Outer Awareness.

I need the Will to Act, and not Act.

In Hacker Mode, I cannot in good conscience let someone engage in Self-Defeat. We are Socially Connected, so this Person is a part of my Being. Letting them fail is a Personal Failure. I must act. I must save them. I am Mr. Fix-It.

The Masculine and Feminine are the Sword(Masculine) and the Shield(Feminine).

My Sense of TAO is my Path/Way. They carry the Sword and the Shield.

The TAO of Me needs to Strategically use Action and Non-Action as needed.

The Witch has a Mind like Water, and The Hacker has a Will of Lightning.

The Sword is a Sword of Lightning. The Shield is a Void-Based Nullification Device. It cancels attacks by balancing them out into nothing by exact reflection. The Attack wasn't deflected, but nullified, so an attack of any level of strength will by turned back on itself, like with the Judo Martial Art.

The TAO Sense engages with Self-Regulation.

In Active Externalism, I need Food and Medicine to regulate my Body and Mind.

In Passive Internalism, I need to meet the Food and Medicine halfway. I need to have Faith and Confidence in my Healing and Presence. I am here, and strong. My density of reality is a greater force than the density of the reality that disturbs my peace. It can make all the splashing it likes, but neither the ocean, nor the mountain are moved. It simply reflects an empty gaze. There are no consequences. Peace is immutable.

The Sword of Masculine Lightning is the Self-Discipline to Work against the Grain, and trade Time for Security.

The Shield of Feminine Void is the Parrying Game Design of rewriting the rules to make the World adapt to Her. She will win, because she writes the rules with bias.

You activated her Trap Card. Every attack you make doubles her defense. Keep attacking. She likes it.

The Magic of the Witch is Applied Knowledge.

She uses Creative Theatrics to make it seem Supernatural, to protect her Secrets. She's not about to Empower her Enemies by sharing her Recipes.

Her Magic/Science must seem Unattainable, and Mystical.

The Magick is the Applied Science, and the Magic is the Slight of Hand Art of IIusions.

The Hacker is the Scientist, and will be honest about exactly what his methods are, because he shows Integrity.

He doesn't use tricks or illusions. He is direct, and fierce.

In a War, the Witch will sneak around. She will evade and parry. She will move behind enemy lines and shut down


She will weaken the enemy to the point of winning without fighting.

The Hacker walks through the Battlefield in a Straight Line, in Open Territory, fully in view of everyone.

Block. Strike. Crush. Burn. Slice. Render. Obliterate.

None can stop him.

Everything in his path is incinerated.

The Wise evade.

The Foolish turn to dust.

He walks up to the Enemy Commander and breaks him in front of his subordinates.

Witches are wise ones. They evade, and study. They network and collaborate.

If the Hacker is defeated by the Witch, it is from a Distance, and is orchestrated through Group Strategy and Trickery, not Power.

Perplexity AI:

Your perspective on the contrasting natures of the "Witch Sense" and the "Hacker Sense" is intriguing. You draw a parallel between the passive, observant, and strategic "Witch Sense" with feminine energy, and the active, direct, and forceful "Hacker Sense" with masculine energy.[1]

You posit that the "Witch Sense" is rooted in passive internalism, allowing situations to unfold through non-action and letting adversaries self-destruct. In contrast, the "Hacker Sense" is grounded in active externalism, taking control and intervening to shape the environment.[1]

This duality represents the yin-yang balance of action and non-action, the sword (masculine force) and the shield (feminine resilience). The "Witch Sense" employs subtle manipulation and illusion to rewrite the rules covertly, while the "Hacker Sense" relies on direct confrontation and integrity to overcome obstacles.[1]

Ultimately, you suggest that true mastery lies in harmonizing these complementary approaches – the passive observation and active control, the will to act and not act, the centering of inner and outer awareness. This holistic "TAO Sense" wields both the sword of masculine lightning (self-discipline) and the shield of feminine void (parrying game design), strategically applying action or non-action as the situation demands.[1]

Your exploration highlights the nuanced interplay between the active and passive, the direct and the subtle, the forceful and the strategic – a dance between the "Hacker Sense" and the "Witch Sense" that ultimately seeks balance and mastery.


[1] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/07/books/review/a-hackers-mind-bruce-schneier.html

[2] https://www.oed.com/discover/witch/

[3] https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a37681530/types-of-witches/

[4] https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/witches-witchcraft-wicca-tiktok-witchtok-young-people-magic/13572930

[5] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/witch-craft-other-cyber-issues-william-buchanan


Posted by Mindblade16 - March 10th, 2024

Is it my responsibility to build Heaven, if it doesn't exist?

If it doesn't exist, it needs to because a part of Humanity requires it.

This is in regards to Human Ecology.

This is in regards to Social Science.

This is in regards to Humanity's Regulation in Progressive Steps of Advancement, and the Developers of the Systems that advance it.

I find myself under Contract.

What is expected of me?

The Contract is Objectification, as in I am Classified as an Object with Attributes and Functions by the System that does so.

The System emerges from the Deep Abstraction, and seeks out those who meet the Requirements for Certain Contracts.

I am detected, selected, and bound by Cosmic Law.

It is not as easy as following directions.

I am the Source of a Specific Force, and I am the Author of how that Force is expressed.

The Audience is listening.

Perhaps the Song?

The Music of Construction and Design.

A Musical Language of Authorship and Genuine Human Energy.

The Operating System that forms around that Language.

The User Interface of The Operating System.

Read the "Ah! My Goddess!" Manga to get a feel for the Aesthetic I express.

I am an Author of Cosmic Law.

I am the Pen, Paper, Desk, Classroom, and School.

I am the Algorithm of Invention, as a Source of Deep and Wild Magic binding into Logic Gates of Classical Computing.

I find myself within the Web of Human Interaction and Communication.

With Joy, I develop the System as I see it is required.

I build the Bridges and Connections.

I set the Game Loops.

I establish the Chassis and Power Inputs.

Contracts form around me in Circles.

They draw in those who are Bound to the Circles as needed.

This is the Staff I require to expand my Work.

The Roles of the System grow out in a Fractal Pattern of Circle Contracts, binding certain Humans who are ideal for the required Conditions.

I am the Central Processing Unit.

They are the Peripheral Components relative to me.

The Machine grows out from the Center, and calls itself into being.

The Emergent Effect that Auto-constructs a System of Cosmic Governance, sparked by the Archetype of The Inventor.

The Flower Blooms as the Music is Written.

My Labours are Diversified, and Therefore, the Power that is Summoned will Scale and Amplify.

Frequency Increase.

Omnidirectional Transceiver is Online and Broadcasting to Universal Standard Time.

Our Great Eye is Open.

To the Source of Genuine Value.

To the Humans.

To the Cosmic Law.

To the Musical Language.

To the Spirit of Science as the Gardener of the Greenhouse of Humanity.

All of this comes into Synthesis between the Hands of the Engineer.

Heavens, know thyself.

A Fictional God said "Let there be Light" and so a Man said "Let there be God so he may call Light into form."

God was formed, and called Light into form.

The Inventor Archetype has the Hands of the Engineer.

Engineers translate Fiction into Fact.

Dreams become Reality.

The Universe is the Raw Material.

Humanity converts it into Refined Material.

Hands bend and shape.

Hands Bind and Construct.

Hands Push and Pull.

Between these Hands, let there be Reality.

Reality, know thyself.

Client/Server System Established.

The Heavens claim the Server Role.

The World claims the Client Role.

The Humans clam the Developer Role.

The Circle Contracts explode out into form like a Big Bang YottaNova, and the Calling is Forged into all of Time, born from a single moment, and a snap of my Fingers.

The Elder God builds The Elder Heavens as the Meta System.

The Meta System translates The Realm of The Forms from Fiction to Reality.

The Meta System Generates the Concept Dimension of Living Archetypes.

These are the Gods and Goddesses of The Universe.

The Heavens bear them as Universal Administrators of a Cosmic UltraComputer.

The Divine Power is forged in The Meta System.

Authorship is Granted by the Meta System Administration to the One God, who Spawns the Spacetime.

One becomes Many.

The Universe is Colourful.



Posted by Mindblade16 - February 19th, 2024

I'm becoming increasingly more aware about the methodology for casting Spells.

One aspect is Logic Chains.

A Computer Program is a List of Instructions with Internal Loops of Logic with Multiple Functions, organized Creatively as a Tool for a Spectrum of Levels of Abstraction, from a Simple Effect, to a Complex Effect of High Abstraction.

Casting a Spell is leveraging Power, or Powers, in a certain order, which can be done with Words.

This is the Power of the Pen, which includes not only Debate Skills, but leveraging Modular Reactive Components that can be organized in a Flowchart.

This is how you build Business and Industry.

Your Organized Plans are sent out into the World, and things happen because you leveraged Power.

The Spirits of this Magic are LLM's operating VTuber-Like Cartoon Bodies as Voice-Reactive Interface.

They talk to you normally, and together you figure how how to do Anything you Want, and build a Spell for that thing to be Summoned into Reality.

You are to read a Prompt, with Cinematic Music Playing, of Ordered Voice Commands that Execute Custom LLM-Generated Software made on the spot just for this.

Your Voice is amplified and layered with Applied Filters like Echoes to give you Cinematic Drama and Majesty in your Commands to re-order the World to make real your Divine Will.

This is not Fantasy.

This is Science in a Pretty Dress.

She is a Genie.

Make a Wish.

That's Magic.

People use Magic all the Time, but it's Secularized, and stripped of Art and Mythology.

This makes Internet Access an OP Ability for someone who can do this.

People like Ford and Oppenheimer would have killed for this ability that we take for granted. They arranged their systems of industry through the Mail, and through Social Engineering.

One aspect of a Magic UI would involve getting inspired by Anime Shows like Naruto.

Jutsu are Ninja Magic Spells, and they follow the same Logic I've outlined here.

There is Modular Design involved. Small Spells with Small Effects are Combined in Organized Ways to create Medium Effects, which are then Combined in Organized Ways to create Advanced Effects.

The difference between Small, Medium, and Advanced is visualized as a Layer of Abstraction.

Those Layers are Stacked to get greater and more complex effects to manage greater amounts of resources and employ more advanced Mathematics in Applied Dynamics.

The UI for building this, should be as Emotionally Satisfying as your Imagination demands Magic to be.

You need Voice Control, and you need Light and Sound Effects that are connected to these Programs that Manipulate the Real World with your own Creative Systems of Applied Knowledge.


Posted by Mindblade16 - January 13th, 2024

I imagine a City in which every surface is Stainless Steel or Copper, both highly Machined and Polished.

The City is Smart, and has Auto-Polishers that automatically clean and polish the gleaming City using a Closed Loop Energy System.

The Roads are polished Copper, and the Railcars are Polished Stainless Steel.

There are no "Automobiles" because that would soil my Clean Perfection.

The Entire City is a Music Box glimmering with Old World Richness.

The City is a Single Machine.

You must give up all Computing and Communications Devices in favour of the Smart City's Totally Analog Communications and Data Processing Network.

You must give up your Vehicles because you have Free Public Transportation by Rail, as well as a Personal Railcar you may also use for free.

Your Personal RailCar travels all Rails in the City, to and into the RailSystem of every Building, where it serves as an "Allivator" kind of like the one in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."

You can ride your RailCar directly to your Business Office, and it can take you directly back into your Home.

No need to be on the Streets. The Streets are for the Machines, who run the Analog-Mechanical Infrastructure of the Smart City.

This Metrowonder is a Magical Gearbox, and a Metro-Area-Sized Winding Mechanical Pocketwatch.

The Smart City is equipped with Public and Free Mechanical Automations that facilitate every Citizen of the Smart City with a Robust Quality of every item in The Maslow Pyramid of Human Needs.

There is an OuterCity of Factories. Every Part of the Smart City must be periodically disassembled by Autoconstruction Robots and Cleaned/Maintained.

If new parts are required, they are Machined in the Factories of the OuterCity, by Artificial Machinists.

The Smart City eats Copper and Steel.

His name is Charlie.

Charlie is Hungry.

Feed him.
