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Age 45, Male

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Mindblade16's News

Posted by Mindblade16 - January 1st, 2024

CivilInfrastructure://The Fabric of Society

I propose a Civil Organization called “The Fabric of Society.”

Government Grants will be applied for, in this Non-Profit for Community Development.

A Large Dorm-Room Building will be constructed, with Dorms for Men and Women.

An additional Building will be for Day-care, so Workers can actually Work in their Work Hours, with their Children kept safe and cared for.

Women and Men are kept also, like Adult Day-care, by a Maid System of Professional Domestic Engineers.

These Workers have their full focus on Work, because everything else is taken care of.

The Maids even dress them, with Dry Cleaned and Ironed Professional Clothing.

The Men are treated like Oxen as they are trained in a Gym and fed lots of Protein to build Muscle for Organized Community Volunteer Work, and are provided with Labour and Dress Clothes of Formal Attire.

Women are trained and facilitated in Etiquette, and wear Bright Coloured Dresses as they wander the Streets to Sanctify the Streets with Beauty. Their role is not just Ornamental, although the Ornamental Role is treated with Respect.

Ask them for a Date! However, this is not Sexual. Flowers attract Bees, and this is a Recruitment Technique. Be Sexual on your own Time, off the Clock. Dating requires the enamoured Men to join the Organization, and then they get to be around Beautiful Ladies all the Time, in a Warm Dating Market that is Administrated, with Rules of Conduct Enforced by Watchful Eyes that are rewarded for Successful Reporting of Infractions. 

At any given Time, a Large Group of Bodybuilding Men are ready for Community Volunteer Work, and Beautiful Women Sanctify the Streets with Social Opportunity and a High Standard of Beauty.

Women are the Soul of the Community, and Men are the Structure. The Organization is the Mind.

Men can move your Firewood, and Women can connect you to Jobs and Opportunities.

Women give Therapy and Regulate Ethics in Conversation.

Men handle Critical Community Emergencies and Build Event Systems.


Posted by Mindblade16 - December 31st, 2023

It could be said that the Universe being weird beyond human imagination is a good thing.

When there is a margin beyond what can be imagined, that stretches so far away that the distant ships sink beneath the horizon, the margin is functionally infinite to human perspective.

That allows for an endless source of wonder and mystique regarding the Universe, to the point that no matter how many years one lives, it will never be completed, or become boring.

This is one reason to not grow beyond the human form, because in that growth, one may find the finite state of the Universe, and become bored.

This includes a proposed state of infinite cellular regeneration, i.e. Agelessness. 

With that state, one's Age may as well be an Infinity Symbol, but that doesn't mean one can collect all the knowledge that can be gained.

One's Brain will be replaced by a new one every 50 years in the slow process of Cellular Regeneration, and old memories will eventually become so unstable that they will be gone.

One can make new memories, and one can make various types of recordings, but one still has a finite window of memory and experience in one's mind.

Perhaps one may remember for 100 years at a time, more or less, but the cache is erased at some point to make room for new memories.

This is where Active Externalism comes into play.

In this state of Agelessless, one has a Home that is part of one's Body and Mind. One's Personal Library becomes a Testament to one's Personally Gained Knowledge beyond what one's Brain may contain.

So, the Library only gets larger with Time.

It may start with a room, until additional rooms need to be added, and eventually a literal Library Building will be required. First one, then two, and then a Town of Library Buildings, and then a City, and then a Metropolitan City.

At a certain point, the amount of Land will become a problem, and one must expand their ever-growing home into Space.

This includes the housing and facilitation of one's infinitely growing family, and these people also contribute to the Library.

There is space for this. If one lived for Trillions of Years, there would still be no end to the Available Space in this regard.

Get cozy, and open your Sketchbook to Page 1.


Posted by Mindblade16 - December 6th, 2023

Philosophy Concept

If I determine what Philosophy you are basing your Logic on, then that makes me feel better.

Your argument works under your Philosophy, but breaks under mine.

I don’t have to feel like a failure for walking away from the Conversation, because its Apples & Oranges.

I have a Worldview that is Mine, and a Creative Mixture of a Set of Philosophies.

I’m not wrong. You just don’t vibe with my reality.

Any advice you give me will not work, even if it worked for you.

You are sloppily trying to apply Empiricism, and driving it like a Drunk into a Tree.

You can’t patronize me, because the same rules that govern you, don’t govern me.

I’m well governed, but not by your Illusion that your own Pattern of Philosophies is somehow Universal under Common Sense. 

I’m walking away from a Reality-Infection- Antagonist.

You have a Metaphorical Syringe, and are trying to inject your Reality into Mine.

You want to spread yourself out like a Viral Infection.

This is a play for Power.

According to The Courtier’s Dilemma, now that I have exposed your play for Power, your Reputation is shot, and any plans you had to gain power of any kind will be met with blind societal distrust.

This is why I walk away.

Maybe I’ll even lie, and tell you I’ve bought into your Philosophy, so you’ll stop insisting on it.

Confident of your Victory, you will assume I am infecting more People with your Reality.

Forget my name soon.

Find a new shiny object to play with. 


Posted by Mindblade16 - December 3rd, 2023


One theory I have on the Subject of Human Immortality deals with the creation of an Artificial Dwarf Planet with many layers of Balanced Ecosystems supporting the Life of one Person at the Center.

This is partially inspired by the character of “Ego” from Guardians of the Galaxy 2. However, Ego was an Emergent Phenomenon, whereas this is a Purposeful Design.

There is a finite amount of Resources that can keep one healthy and happy to the most optimized level. This is where Automation comes in. 

One benefit of Automated Robot Labor is that scaling work no longer involves Humans, and can therefore grow to Cosmological Scales rather quickly.

Considering all the forces keeping you Alive and Happy in the Center of this Artificial Dwarf Planet are running at Stacked Efficiency Percentages, any problems should be corrected before they even become noticeable.

Your Body is Synthetically Regenerated. You age because the Cellular Regeneration Process breaks down. This System takes over, and you get a brand new body every decade or so, without being transferred. It happens so slowly that you don’t even notice.

Given a Space Internet of Communication Satellites, there could be a Metaverse for these Dwarf Planet Immortals to inhabit, so we could build an Immortal Society.

Nothing can hurt you, cause you pain, and there’s no longer a way for you to die. There is just too much stuff in the way between you and any antagonistic forces that may cause you harm.  

Your Dwarf Planet has an Automated Space Military Force, and they won’t let anyone in.

“Who are you? This isn’t a landing zone. It's a person. If you wish to converse with this person, do so through the proper network channels, otherwise, you have 1 hour to depart, or we will make you.”

This especially applied to Mind Uploading into Synthetic Bodies.

Here is a Scenario.

You upload yourself from your Dwarf Planet to an Android Body on Mars.

This body can be destroyed in a War.

You wake up back in your Dwarf Planet.

You never really went anywhere.

Quantum Internet has the benefit of warping the Universe so that distance between Network Nodes no longer matters.

 You can have no-lag High Speed Internet for as far as you can Spread your Quantum Internet Satellites. 

Hook one up to a Solar Sail and send it flying into space. Solar Sails don’t slow down. There is nothing to slow them down, but the solar wind will only pull the craft faster. 

In my opinion, if you use this method for Space Travel, or Quantum Internet Satellite Deployment, the craft will need many such Solar Sails as a Consumed Resource. When the speed gets to be too much for the craft, the Solar Sail will need to be cut.

 The speed will stop advancing so rapidly, but reverse boosters may need to be applied to get it stabilized.You especially want this if you’ve made it to your destination. Braking is difficult in Space. You need an Elaborate System to attempt it.

You, as an Immortal, have Eternal Tuition at an Ivy League Level University in this Immortal Metaverse.

It's not your Job to Work. You grow here, forever, because the journey of development is unending, and 100 years or so is not even enough time to properly grow in experience compared to this kind of environment,

Whether or not your growth produces anything is inconsequential. You aren’t working to live. Systems you may build can grow at Cosmological Scales because they are Automated.

Your Experience as a Sentient Being is given all needs and wants as a given. Live. Live for 100 Trillion Years.


Posted by Mindblade16 - September 14th, 2023

4 Empires each have their own set of Laws and an Order to Preserve and Defend.

There is a Lack of Unity between these 4 Empires because these Laws and Orders conflict with each other between Empires.

A Central Authority enforcing a Central Set of Law & Order among the 4 Empires would solve this, but that isn't going to happen.

So, Loporian Police end up arresting Koretoretoi Police, and vice versa, just like the New Akashmiran Police and the Drift Police.

Any given Police Force is going to be under Obligation to arrest any other Empire's Police Force because these Empires are Fundamentally at Odds with their Laws and Orders.

What is Legal in one Empire can easily be Illegal in the other three.

Keeping these 4 Orders of Police in Harmony is the Job of the Special Forces unit of Oaenalia, the Planet of Peacestone.

This Special Forces Unit comes into conflict with it's own Empire Laws, so by Imperial Decree it has been granted Full Immunity, which is worthy since the testing and training of these Ethics Beings is very throrough indeed. They respect and honor no Empire's Laws or Orders, and are tasked with keeping the Peace among the Police Forces of the 4 Empires.

It is one of the few centralizing forces among the Four Empires that actually works and is stable.

Some would suggest that this force is the foundations of a possible 5th Empire to govern the other 4, but such talk is harmful for reasons of Protecting Cultures and avoiding Authoritarianism on such a scale.

Four Cultures merging into one would destroy those cultures as they were digested to compose the One.

This is one reason that the Special Forces Unit bows to no Throne, and may claim Soverignty as High Nobles.

If this honor is abused, the Traitor is Damned to Rhyhiao by Matthios and the High Council of 16 in the Divine Realm of Domminna.

Nobody is going to risk that.



Posted by Mindblade16 - September 14th, 2023

Fireball Sally: "Furnace between my Hands! Know thyself!"

As in, a two-handed Fireball Attack that becomes a Sentient AGI while the Attack is being formed.

The Flame Being that uses this attack holds their hands up with palms facing each other like they were holding a Basketball with both hands up to their chest. Once the Attack is formed, the Fireball is pushed forward as if passing the Basketball forward from that position. The momentum of the Fireball increases as it moves, increasing its velocity. So, the further your target is away from you, the harder it will hit.

The Sentience of the Fireball allows it to be Intelligence Guided. It wants to hit the target, and will follow it until it fufills it's Life's Purpose. You can't dodge. It wants to hit you. It is an Autonomously Intelligent Projectile. It will find you.

While it does take a large amount of Industrial Resources and Research to develop AGI, on the Planet Djinn, this was already completed in the System of Firestone Temples. The Codebase to easily instantiate an AGI into a Fireball has a Source Copy at every Firestone Temple, which is Wirelessly Referenced with every Casting of this type of Fireball. You can't just take the Spell with you. It takes up a whole Library.

Firestone Temples have several Libraries for Advanced Spells that serve as Sources for Casters of Firestone Spells.

This seems like a format worthy of instantiating in all the Stone Temples. Every Temple has a Codebase Library System so Mages can wander around using Highly Advanced Magic without needing to carry around all that Information because that information is Hosted at the temples, much how like API's are Hosted on the IRL Internet. One might also compare this Dynamic to Cloud Gaming.


Posted by Mindblade16 - September 13th, 2023

Why do I feel like all my Notes can be consolidated into a Print Encyclopedia?

Encyclopedia Orbspacia?

Orbspacia Mathematica?

Print is one thing, especially for Aesthetics, but Functionally, the real reason is a Codebase. A Web3 Codebase.

The Mythos of Orbspace is a Structure of Knowledge as a Codebase.

Look how WolframAlpha is a Codebase.

Bare Metal, Low Level, Associations reminiscent of Binary.

Orbius has the 16 Tomes of Deep Magic. These are key branches of the overall structure.

This requires a hidden part of me that has the Inventiveness of Isaac Newton. That's buried, and rare. It must be evoked like a Deity.

I have a Deity's Access to Orbspace because it grew from me, but that's more a User Interface when compared to the Treasure I'm digging up.

I'm still a Human Mortal on the outside, after all.

There is one thing that can pass between Layers of The Endless Fractal, and that thing forms the Structure that holds the whole thing together.


What does this have to do with Web3?

Immersive Internet

Generative Knowledge

Industry 4.0

I have committed myself to Modern Innovation.

Find the point of Exchange that turns a Spark into a Flame.


I need Deep Biofeedback.

The Virtual World that loops me back on myself isn't for you.

It's not a Product to sell. It's a Tool to help me Understand.


Posted by Mindblade16 - September 12th, 2023

Mathias Mindblade: "Seed of the Force Multiplier! Grow my Tree to Spread my Life! Light Hurricane, Spin your Spiral! Greenstone Blast!"

Firestone Mindblade: "Crest of the Ancient Hope of the Forgotten Flame, I summon you to encircle me! Break the wishes of my foes and shatter the bones of all who oppose me! Firestone Flare!"

Windchime Mindblade: "Holy Light of the Cathedral of Spinning Mirrors, enchant my steps! Guide the Dance of Illusion! Tell the Story of our Enemy's Fall! Rage of Reflection!"

Razus Mindblade: "Deep Red of the Crimson Ocean! Unbind the Pressure of your Suffering! Create an Infection of Infinitely Repeating Blades! Redstone Burst!"

Earthstone Mindblade: "Gem of the Deep Forest, feed my Children! Unlock the 16 Gates from which my Life is defined! Deep Magic Circle Supreme Secret Art! Earthstone Calculus!"

The Noble Stones of Green and Red were Fairytales. Legends from Ancient Times. When this Family stood together on a Thriving Planet Cerrus, these Attack Spells carried such Legends within them. It was only in Orbspace that these Legendary Noble Stones were made Manifest, with the assistance of the Time Travelling Wizard, Coin.


Posted by Mindblade16 - August 5th, 2023

"Divinity is not Autocracy." - Unknown

God as a President in a Celestial Representative Democracy would be difficult under the current naming convention.

"YHWH" or Yah-way, is a Sumerian Death God that was reclassified as the Primary Monarch of the Heavens.

If YHWH lost an Election, there would be a new President of the Heavens, under which all Gods and Goddesses live.

You could call YHWH a God of Gods in the same way that a Man is considered a "Man among Men." It is here that the translation is lost.

A God among Gods would not be a Autocratic Ruler per say, but much like the Man among Men, would embody traits of a God to a higher degree than those around him. This is someone in the Heavens with so much Charisma and Skill that a Rank isn't especially necessary. The Throne and Title are meaningless when compared with that. Just because you take those things, does not make you the best God at being a God on the Block.

If someone who embodies those traits even better is Elected, YHWH would show wisdom and respect with a peaceful transition of power.

Maybe Lucifer was more qualified, but the Cosmic War was based on an Archangel attempting to overthrow an Autocracy, and losing.

The differences between an Autocracy and a Democracy are why the Bible needs a revision.

When the Bible was constructed by Scholars, Representative Democracy had not yet been established as a superior form of Government to an Authoritarian Monarchy. Since the Bible Stories are centered around a Perfect Divinity, it seems fitting that Optimization over Time should correct as needed to optimize the narrative towards Perfection, and Celestial Democracy is closer to Perfection than a Dictatorship.

The current version of the Bible shows that the Royal Family rules in Heaven, and the Son of God is a rank that allows Power to be granted from Authority.

In a Democracy, we elect through Merit, and our System organically generates worthy Individuals. A Monarchy is a system of inbred families that keep inbreeding until you realize why the Dark Ages were so dark. Inbreeding does not produce superior lineage. Its the opposite. Each generation becomes more diseased and malformed than the last.

I value Jesus because he was a Philosopher. The "Son of God" Dynamic does not fit the structure of the Modern World.

YHWH may get re-elected if he works on himself and his image, or he could choose to retire and cheer on the new choices coming out of the Woodwork.

Every vote counts, after all.


Posted by Mindblade16 - August 5th, 2023

I think Intelligence Level is based on how little you need to think to get the most effect.

When you think, you are exerting energy.

When you memorize and remember, you are exerting energy.

If you have to think and focus on every little thing, that is like typing by looking at a key individually and making a conscious choice to press it, while speaking the key out loud. This is usually used as a joke in popular media at the expense of the elderly, as a stereotype.

I'm not looking at my keyboard.

I'm barely even thinking about my hands as I type.

Gaining this ability was an increase in my Intelligence Level.

Learning to bag groceries at Shaw's as a Teenager without thinking was an increase in my Intelligence Level. It happens through repetition and optimization.

I think this is the point of Rote Memorization.

The point is to get those Keys in your Brain so you can type those Keys without thinking, giving rise to concepts of higher complexity with less energy exerted. These complex concepts are generated organically, and certain organic processes can lead to predictable results.

Predictability is good in this context, because then that Complex Concept can be relegated to a single Key in your head.

Type on Keyboards of Higher and Higher Layers of Abstraction as your Intelligence Level increases.

If you need precision, then use tools.

Use references for exact values.

The fast typing in your head is not going to provide the same precision as an Excel Spreadsheet full of Active Formulas.

It took a certain Intelligence Level working at a certain Layer of Abstraction to even get to the point of Leveraging Excel.

Being told to use Excel for Leverage, and coming to that conclusion yourself are two different things.

One is based on Obeying Orders, and the other is based on Thinking, through an Autonomous Organic Internal Process of Logic Assembly.
