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Mindblade16's News

Posted by Mindblade16 - September 27th, 2022

You have a certain way of looking at problems. Angels are there in the definition space, ready to correct you.

"Ok, but, here's how that actually works."

God is the system of the Mind, and Angels are the Programmers.

Just as there is a harmonic that will shatter glass, there is one that will specifically remove your head at the neck.

You are not set up to fail. You are guided away from this and other dangerous wavelengths.

You aren't being punished, but corrected. Course correction is not Jail.

You are not your Mind. You are the cursor on the screen. You are the mouse pointer. You are moving around in free space, typing, playing files, and organizing.

The cursor is only now right here, and only where it is at any given moment.

You are moving around in the embrace of an OS. Without an OS, there would be nowhere to move. There would be no freedom because freedom has a foundation.

The experience of freedom requires a system to define it.

God is not afraid of being killed, because he knows the futility of it. The logic doesn't work. A harmonic exists to bring the knife to his throat, but the act cannot be completed just as one cannot eat their own head.

He is the knife and the velocity of the knife towards his throat. If death occurs, then time and space are erased, and the kill didn't happen, because linear causality is also erased.

Tilt. Reboot. Refresh.

I think knowing the future would be torture because Free Will is removed. Your reality has been tragically altered from a Non-Deterministic Universe to a Deterministic one.

Would you like to be God? That would mean abandoning your role as the Cursor. You would give up Freedom to become the System that facilitates freedom for Cursors.

Freedom is a Special Space in a Cradle of Everything. Being everywhere at once instead of a point within that Special Space means that you are not Free.

There are no paths that you are not taking. Logic dictates that things are what they are until they change, and then they are again in a state of being what they are.

When you are all possible states and combinations, things like "Self" and "You" cannot apply. A self is isolated from everything while being within it. It moves around inside.

It cannot move around outside everything just like a train cannot move without a track. Space allows Motion. Time allows for Causality.

An OS allows for Programs.

I think what you really want when you ask to be God is more Mobility within the System. More speed. More resources. More living space. More living time.

God isn't saying no, but he can't do it for you. You want. Your wants are unique and always in a state of flux. The Universe cannot give you what you cannot correctly define yourself.

You have ambiguous wants. Learn to use the System to refine and facilitate those wants into Actions and Things using Logic. If you want Everything, that is sad, because there won't ever be a Want again when everything is obtained. Freedom has been removed. How awful.

You could take an F not as a Failure, but as “Fuck the System.” This is an establishment of Identity as a Rebel, rebelling against The System.

The System, and God, smile at this.

You, in your rebellion against their System, have built your own System to supplant it. It is this System upon which your Rebellion is based.

Is your System better? Prove it.

God wants to be supplanted by his Children, and your Systems of Control wish for Superior Leadership and Fresh Ideas.

God boxed himself in, and his only hope for Freedom is the Creative Light of his Children.

Systems decay and they need Fresh Minds to lead them out of the Darkness.

If you are Rebelling, show your Quality.

You are a Systems Developer.

You are the next Architect.


Posted by Mindblade16 - September 19th, 2022

This is a Fantasy Business Empire.

Assuming $32 Million is buying 16 Individual Commercial Land Plots of 1 acre each, with each Plot having developed land, foundations, and a 10k sq ft Industrial Building constructed there, then each of those buildings is going to need 1 person on staff at any given time for Security & Maintainance.

So, each Location is need of 3 Shifts of 8 hours, meaning 3 Paid Employees. If each Employee is paid $60k/yr, that is $180k/Location, which is $2.88 Million/year for Labor. 


Land and Buildings: $32 Million.

Labor: $2.88 Million/yr.

These Buildings aren't for anything. They are just Empty Spaces ready to do things within this Creative Fantasy. The Plots could be anywhere, within reason, and still be strung together through Shipping & Transportation Systems.

Labor is locally hired. 

So, let's prepay for 10 years of this.

$28.8 Million pays for the Labor, which adds to $32 Million to make $60.8 Million.

Now, assuming I am coming up with $51.2 Million this year, how would I do that?

This is the Creative Problem. Open your Mind to new possibilities and expand this Fantasy.

Step 1 is finding a way to raise the money to have the Initial Conditions built and running.

Step 2 is figuring out how best to use such spaces as a Business Empire of Multiple Industries. This includes adding more Labor and Machines to the Buildings, with relevant Expense Calculations.

Use Spreadsheets. Google Sheets or Excel are fine.


Posted by Mindblade16 - September 5th, 2022

What does an Artistic Enterprise need to succeed?

First of all, it needs an Artist, and that Artist needs to produce works of Art as Media to be distributed.

Second of all, it needs three types of fans: Lovers, Haters, and Lurkers.

Lovers are those that buy your work and give you praise for it. They may even make videos as members of your Fandom to analyze why your work is so great.

Haters are those that criticize your work and drive you to improve. They may even make videos as members of your Fandom to analyze why your work is so horrible. Misery loves company, and people love to gather to complain just as much as they love to gather and promote.

Lurkers are members of your fandom that buy nothing but stay among the Fandom to comment among the fans to spark interest in themselves and their own ideas. You could ban these people, but their numbers are a valued addition to your fandom that keeps the conversation going, and help add more credibility to your social media stats.

You have a product to produce, and you need people to emotionally and financially support your work, as well as to help point out how it could be better. You also need the conversation surrounding your work to be constantly active, to keep the engine of your fandom running to lure more customers in. This is the cool kids' table, where everyone wants to sit.

Fandom can be visualized as a Solar System. The Sun is the Artist and the company surrounding, protecting, and supporting the Artist.

The Planets orbiting the Sun are the Superfans that are also Artists with a company surrounding, protecting, and supporting them. They are given IP Rights to make derivative work of the IP, so Fanfiction, Fan comics, Fangames, and Fanart are Legal and can be sold for Commercial Purposes. They sell T-shirts, Mugs, and other Goods online to support their own Enterprise.

The Moons orbiting the Planets represent the Regular Fans, Haters, and Lurkers. These are collection points for interest in the overall work of the artists and their Superfans. This is the cool kids’ table, and these are the Moderates who are being charmed into the system of the Fandom by the Superfans.

The Superfans both criticize the Artist and their Work, as well as support it. They also do this with each other to create an Entertaining System of Drama.

The Fandom also has a Free Desktop Application that runs a small scalable Etherium Miner that lets you adjust how much of your system resources you will allow for it. It generates small amounts of Etherium over time, depending on how much processing power it is allowed, and saves it to an Etherium Wallet attached to the Application. On the Blockchain Internet, you don't need to spend Etherium to read files, but it costs Etherium to save files, called "Gas" in this context. These Desktop Applications are Blockchain Networked with each other, and function as the Fandom Platform.

There must be written and spoken SEO in every Blog Post and Video on the Fandom Platform. Every Superfan that makes a Blog Post must use all the correct and researched Keywords to be picked up by the Search Engines. This is also true for Videos, but this is less for the Search Engines and more for the Emotions of the Fans.

#1. Personal Branding: Write/Say the Name of your Company frequently in your Video or Blog. This reinforces the Brand in the Mind of the Fan, so they can have a feeling of: “This is the right place to be. I can identify with this. I am a part of this. ”

#2. Artist Branding: Write/Say the Name of the Artist’s Company frequently for the same reasons as #1.

#3 Worldbuilder Branding: Write/Say the Names involving the World and Characters in the Video or Blog Post. Once the Fans identify this place as the right place to be in, and where they belong, now is the time to talk about the World and Characters that are the subject and focus for the Love of the Fans.

The Superfan Company has the IP Rights to make a Monetized Business based on Fan Analysis of the IP Holder(The Artist). These rights are granted by the Artist and may be revoked by the Artist.

The Desktop Application that is the Fandom Platform will have a Superfan Application Process, clicking through User Agreements filled with Legalese from Auto-Legalese Generator Sites(There is a market for this??)

After Approval, there is a Trial Period to test the Superfan’s work. The Superfan Candidate must reach a minimum standard of effectiveness and skill required by the Artist granting the IP Rights.

Upon passing the Trial Period, the Superfan Candidate is a Superfan, with a Pre-Built Company Template and Creation Studio built into the Desktop Application.

Prebuilt Company Template: (Unlocked through Trials) A set of Offices built into the Desktop Application, that are also under the Application Process. So, a User of the Desktop Application could apply to have Unlocked the Superfan Role, or the Office Role. The Office is a Space where the Employee of the Company works, and all Work Functions are facilitated.

Creation Studio: (Unlocked through Trials) A Video Editor and Publishing System for Video and Blog Posts. There is also a Game Engine w/ a Game Deployment System that lets the Superfan create and publish Video Games based on the Granted IP Rights for Commercial Use. There is also an Image Editor with Tools to create and publish Webcomics based on the World and Characters of the IP Holder/Artist. There is also an Integration Process that links the Functions of the Desktop Application with the API of a Selection of Businesses that Produce Products such as Print Mugs and T-Shirts. A Complete Creation Package. No Web Browser Required. No Outside Software Required.

The Desktop Application has a User Registration and Login paywall. It costs $2/mo, and gives the User access to the Fandom Platform, and the Media created by Artist and the Superfans. The User has Interactivity with the Artist and the Superfans, and that System in the Platform grants them the “Fan” Title. The Fan is Rewarded with Virtual-Good-Game-Currency for each piece of Media that they view. This Game Currency can be saved up to purchase Unlockable Sections of the Fandom Platform that require work to allow access. Superfans have levels of Content Quality that are placed into these Sections. The Fans are also under attack by Video Game Villains from the Story of the Artist. The Fan can purchase Game Weapons and Armor as Unlockable and Consumable Virtual Goods. The Fan increases in Level with gained Experience killing Monsters.The higher the Fan’s Level, the more Rewards they enjoy, such as Product Discounts, and Access to Contests and Game Currency Raffles. There is an Auction System for Virtual Goods as well.



Posted by Mindblade16 - August 31st, 2022

Discipline is based both on Repetitive Habit as well as Systems based on Systems.

If you hit a wall, then brute-forcing the problem is not only not going to work, it will work against you.

Brute forcing is forced pattern recognition. Even if you master the answers on a static test in this way, you didn't actually gain a skill. You just memorized meaningless patterns. Different tests will confuse you.

The more you fail, the more hopeless it will feel, and your confidence will wear away as your stress increases, causing a burnout where the more you try, the foggier your head gets.

The solution to this seems to be to go back and master an earlier system since this one is too advanced for you. There are reasons for that. You didn't master the previous level, and there are deep cracks in your understanding.

You aren't a failure, but running a program with incomplete code. Of course you are going to fail when your foundations are fractured.

If you can't do math in your head, go back 1 grade, and see if you can do that level. If not, keep going back. It is easy to feel infantilized by the childish nature of basic arithmetic tutorials.

You are an adult. You are supposed to be beyond this.

This mentality is trash. If you don't like the way these tutorials are presented, work out the problems with a blank sheet of paper instead.

Make your own tutorials to break down what went wrong.

Find the cracks. Where is the pain? Where are you hurting? Where is the missing code?

It may be that you only partially memorized your addition tables, which has a rippling effect all the way up to advanced mathematics.

That's what it means to have cracks in your foundational understanding. No shame. Just find the cracks and patch them.

Make a list of basic arithmetic problems you can't do in your head. This is your Hard Table. Practice memorizing your Hard Tables.

For example, why is 7 x 2 easier than 7 + 5?

There's the crack. Find more.

Pay attention to the Stress on each problem.

There should be no stress on any problem. You need to be able to do Math in your head quickly and completely with little effort if you expect to solve more advanced problems without crashing.

I know how to solve 7 + 5. 7 + 3 = 10, and then there's 2 left over because 5 - 3 = 2. The answer is 12. Look at all the energy that took.

That's the problem.

Memorizing 7 + 5 would be more efficient. I need to manage my Energy Efficiency. 7 x 2 didn't take the same amount of energy because it was memorized. I didn't need a hack.

Ah, but then I'm contradicting myself. Am I trying to brute force "7 + 5"? Because if I brute force it, then it's just a meaningless pattern, and I didn't actually learn a skill.

I'm only cheating myself out of a skill so I can pass a test.

I need a reason. I need a "Why?" because Why, Where, When, and How are Power. I need Power. I need Power over my own inner Logic.

Power gives me a Mnemonic Device that allows for Leverage. I leverage a skill to cause work to happen. If I don't have leverage, then I don't have power, and nothing gets done. Power drives Work. If Work is done for Extrinsic Authority, then Work will be done only for Extrinsic Authority. When I need that Work done for an Intrinsic Authority, I'm screwed! Tell me what to do! Nope. Nobody is here. There is no Authority Structure but me. All I have is Intrinsic Authority, which causes friction against my foundational understanding of basic skills that rely exclusively on Extrinsic Authority. Fuck. No use crying over spilled milk. This is why I'm here, to clean and repair.

So, it isn't just the Hard Tables. I need to write out a reason for each equation. I need to know what that equation means to me. A Mnemonic Device to aid my Memory.

This was a problem in School growing up. I didn't want the knowledge. I just wanted to play and not be hassled.

"If I memorize these meaningless patterns, will you leave me alone?"

What does that mean?

It means that Data is meaningless, and Information has meaning. I allocate Memory to Meaning and not Data. Data can be referenced, so why commit it to Memory?

Data must be Translated into Information.

As in Cooking, presentation is everything. Charts are dull and lifeless. They are not Comprehensive. They do nothing for my Emotions. I cannot properly digest Charts. I need to revise a Chart into a form that I can digest easily, or I will try to brute force memorization of the chart, which my brain recognizes as swallowing Gasoline.

The Mental Exercise of "Chunking" applies. I am working towards memorization of chunks of data to translate into meaningful information.

So, to Approach Mathematics with Firestone ends in Frustration.

To Approach Mathematics with Waterstone opens me up to the various Arithmetic Learning Strategies that were not taught in Elementary School, but using only Waterstone just dilutes my focus without settling on a choice to act on. It's nice to have options, but a choice needs to be made.

Earthstone says I can't solve the problem and I have to build my activities around it. I am what I am, and that's all I'll ever be. This is Righteousness. There is a right way to operate, and all else is false.

Windstone wants the value generated by Mathematics. It wants to unlock the puzzle to indulge in the effect of being a Powerful Mathemagician. This is not dull classwork...This is Ancient Sorcery.

Earthstone says I should be more realistic about Math by Memory. Working out Math on Paper has Merit. There is no shame in using Tools to Solve Puzzles. Waterstone approves of this because Earthstone is changing his mind about something, which is rare.

Firestone brings up the fact that repetitive daily review may help with rote memorization but agrees with Waterstone that alternate methods may help with mental and emotional digestion of data into information.

Lifebloodstone chimes in, mentioning the Infant Dynamic. I am an Infant as the core foundation of my being. That Dynamic has 2 functions, to Absorb my Environment, and to Process/Digest that Data into Information. One happens while awake, and the other happens during sleep. As a more advanced foundational layer, the Inner Child functions as a Gamer. Just as Tet from No Game no Life is the God of Play. The Inner Child learns through Play. So, Learning won't happen until I'm getting my REM Sleep, and my job while awake is to guide the right Sensory Input into my Brain to be assembled into Mental Machinery of Thought and Skill during incubation/sleep.

Intelligencestone: When looking at the set of Division Tables, I notice a Pattern. All the Answers are 1 to 12. I also notice that each set of Equations from 1 - 12 deals in Counting by 1's, 2's, 3's, etc,...

Warstone: "We don't know how to COUNT??!! HAHAHAHA oh I'm done. Goodnight! That's it! Pfft HAHAHAHA!"

Peacestone: "Get a grip! This just means the problem is more foundational than we thought. It's nothing to get riled up about. "

Firestone: "Yes. The only thing to be done is to grind on this daily. Learn to count. Practice over time will whittle this problem down to nothing, but it won't be solved in one sitting. Meanwhile, there is other work to keep up with in our Classes. Let's not linger on this."

Coin: "Isn't the division table communitive to the multiplication table like the addition table is to the subtraction table? That would mean that learning one proves the other. That could cut our work in half."

Earthstone: "Who let you in here?! Guards!"

(Coin dives into a wall-socket and vanishes)


Posted by Mindblade16 - August 30th, 2022

In order for a Business to function as a Business, it needs to have an Ecosystem.

Selling things now and then on an inconsistent schedule is in no way an Ecosystem.

You need dependable Statistics with Minimums and Maximums for results on a consistent basis.

Your results will fluctuate between these 2 extremes, but they will never go higher than the Max, nor will they go lower than the Min.

If your Min is Zero, you need to change something.

In an Ecosystem, energy moves in circulation. Growth is when that circulation is Generative, making the Forest grow larger with time.

If it is Degenerative, then energy is lost with each cycle until there is no more movement.

Every Individual Element of this Business Ecosystem behaves this way.

There is always Energy being taken from and sent to a Given Element.

Some of the Profits go towards Growth, and some of the Profits go towards Investments with returning Dividends that are spent on Major Upgrades to the Ecosystem as a Whole.

The Business Element has Levels, and so does the Business Ecosystem. Each Level is defined by an Excel Expense Report, which is reactive to changing values in the Business Ecosystem.

So, the Business Ecosystem is a Game with many predefined Levels, which are Goals that can be built up to with Generative Growth.

The System of Reactive Excel Expense Reports gives the Business Owner a Top-Down View of the Whole Business Ecosystem as a Game, and shows simple and comprehensive Graphical Representations of all Values in the Game to show what Goals are approaching completion, and what Goals are finished and ready for Upgrade.

I could save up my money for an Amazon Ad Campaign for my Book, but that's not an Ecosystem. Where is the Energy Loop there? The Ad Campaign needs to be fed, and it needs to produce.



Posted by Mindblade16 - August 25th, 2022

Earthstone is the Realization of Truth. It is Ontology as a form of Conceptual Energy, as a Singularity of that Energy.

Things are what they are, as they are defined.

Contradictions are flaws in Truth.

Earthstone blasts through Contradictions by rebuilding Logic accordingly.

If you run into a Logic Error, it is either fixed or built-around. You don't just stop.

You can't think outside a box if there is no box.

You and the World are locked down into absolute Truth, and there is a Correct Path to follow.

Waterstone is the Hype adaptive Fluidity as a form of Conceptual Energy, as a Singularity of that Energy.

Admit that you don't know.

Anything could be True or False but keep an Open Mind.

Be prepared to change direction even in the face of complete certainty.

Think outside the box.

Be an opportunist, and choose the winning side, which could be any side at any moment.

Much like Love, Loyalty is Blind.

Use your Eyes and Ears.

Keep your Feelings Empathic and Sensitive.

Firestone is Manic Passion and Drive as a form of Conceptual Energy, as a Singularity of that Energy.

This is the Transformative Fire that only happens during Stressful Hard Work, and suffering through Contradictions.

It is the Adrenaline of Training that says

"Hit me again! Hit me! Hit me harder! I need more of a Challenge! Push me!"

Change and Learning meet blockages made of Habit and Ego. Sometimes you can evade those blockages, and sometimes you just need to grind and power through.

This is the Generative Rage of the Self. The Lonely Hypernova needs to hurt in order to grow.

Firestone breaks through and rewrites.

Windstone is Freedom and Release as a form of Conceptual Energy, as a Singularity of that Energy.

It is Catharsis, and Win of Earned Power where the weights are taken off your shoulders, and the Cosmos will break in comparison with the explosive power of your expansive release.

You are a Universe, compressed tightly into a Little Biped Mammal, and that compression pushes back.

Fly, without wings.

This is your Reward.

You are the Storm.


Posted by Mindblade16 - August 15th, 2022

Posted by Mindblade16 - August 14th, 2022

Combining Organic Humans with Artificial Humans seems like a necessary step in Human Development. There are several reasons for this.

1. Organic Humans forget their Identities with Time. Brain Cells get replaced through Neurogenesis slowly, with a completion time of 50 years.

Human Immortality isn't going to function properly until that aspect is at least mitigated.

The Artificial Human side of the Immortal Human exists partially to be the bridge that allows for cheating the systems that cause Organic Humans to degrade, such as the Memory and Identity Problems.

Once the Full Maturity of an Organic Human Identity is detected by the Artificial Human Side, it is locked in by Redundancy Backup Systems that Resynchronize, Reharmonize and Recalibrate the Human Identity when it degrades by a Maximum of 1%.

This is one reason why the Artificial Side must also be Sentient for Self-Operation. That degradation causes Acute Pain that requires Immediate Attention. "The Black Box" of the Human Mind is tied to this, because the Organic Human shouldn't have access to matters of Physical Regulation, for the same reasons we don't have access to other matters of the Body that act autonomously as Animal Instinct. A good reason for this pain is the comfort and complacency through which the Mature Human Mind degrades in the Aging Process starting with Age 26.

That is the Full Maturity of the Body, but the Mind takes until around Age 40. Maturity has to have some balance between some degradation of the Body when approaching the Maturity of the Mind. It would be ideal to have the Peak Physical Condition of Age 26 with the Mental Maturity of Age 40, and that Problem will be Data-Mined by the Artificial Human Side to slowly optimize the Organic Human through reading Biometrics, Processing Logic, and altering Biometrics as Feedback. If this system is not working to standards, it will hurt, and the Organic Human will take Simple Actions to Troubleshoot a Frozen or Slow System.

When Maturity has peaked in a balanced way, the Eyes of the Human will change color, and glow with bioluminescence spliced into the DNA as copy pasted from the DNA of Deep Ocean Aquatic Life that have bioluminescence as part of their bodies. When the System's numbers and efficiency are off by 1%, there will be a pain in the body, and the glow in the eyes will be shut down until physical optimization is restored.

This is for Personal and Social Reasons. You will notice. Your friends and family will notice. People on the street will notice.

"Mommy, why did the lights go out?"

"Oh my God. Larry, call the Police. Jerry is broken. Susie, it's ok. Let's go back inside."

(Under Construction - More Reasons later)



Posted by Mindblade16 - August 10th, 2022

You may balk at having "Preservatives" in your food, but preservatives are an amazing technology.

Your fruits and vegetables would not make it to your table without being covered in mold without the technology of preservatives.

They would not last the shipping process from the farm to your table unless you get all your fruits and veggies from a local farm. Most people use Supermarkets, which operate on Global Trade.

Lots of the foods you eat are imported from other countries with unique climates that are really the only places to grow specific kinds of nourishment.

Obsessing over "Natural" everything makes me laugh. If you were to leave everything to Nature, you would have died of old age at 30. That's why people used to marry and have children as young as 14, because by 30 you looked like a 90-year-old does now.

Medical Technology improved. You have been preserved. You are a perishable good, and you last much longer now. So, the age of consent has gone up to match.

When our lifespans double or triple for the same reasons, research marching on with time, I imagine the age of consent will bump up to 26, at least, when 200 or even 300 is when you start getting grey hair.

People with any sense would abstain from having children until they finish their vocational training and secure meaningful career-track employment in a trade, to feed and provide for the children they have. Being born into poverty is the fault of your parents making bad decisions that were likely from the influences of multigenerational poverty in which their parents made similar mistakes. You weren't a mistake. They should have waited. But likely, they didn't know any better.

You, however, are more educated and informed. You live in the Information Age. You don't have the same excuse.

Of course, it could be said that Humans are not separate from Nature, and even Machinery and Infrastructure are an extension of Nature through Human Civilization which grew through Natural Progression. I can grok that. But there is still some kind of disconnect with that concept. You are yearning for the motherly control of the woods when you speak of Nature. That control has extended to Computer Networks, Roads, and Pipes. It has extended to Language, Books, and Industry.

You may think you have escaped Mother Nature by living in your Apartments with Air Conditioning and Internet with Amazon Deliveries, but in the words of the Buddha:

"What are you talking about? You haven't even left my hand!"



Posted by Mindblade16 - August 7th, 2022

If you want The United States of America to truly be a Christian Nation, you need to let go of the past.

Accept Jesus as a Fictional Character, and develop that Character in the context of 21'st Century America, for an American Mythos that is just as Unique to America as the Gods of Olympus were to Greece.

Look at The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

They represent a more healthy American Mythology than Jesus Christ because the story of Jesus Christ doesn't have any connection with North America. You need to re-invent the Character of Jesus and carry forward the Meaning through Character Development.

Superman and Green Lantern qualify for this as well.

Fiction is vitally important for establishing Morals and Ethics in Human Society, and we have been messing up.

More focus has been spent on justifying the Bible for the sake of Superpowers. If Superpowers are so important, then we design them through fiction. "The Word" is an Information Virus that carries forward inter-generationally. It was Authoritarianism that forced The Word to stagnate and solidify when it was meant to be Fluid. 

Don't even call him Jesus. If you must, then pronounce it in the Modern Tongue of "Hey-Zeus" not "Gee-Zuss."

The Core Character Dynamic can be attached to any Name, Gender, Nationality, or Ethnic Group.

Field-Strip Jesus as a Fictional Character, and define his Light. Give that Light to someone born in this Century, and in America.

If you don't want the same problem to re-occur, make sure that Character can't be confused with any Person Living or Dead. Evade the Dynamic of chased Lineage, or people generations hence will make the exact same mistake of trying to prove he or she was a real person to justify their Faith.

Fantasy in this aesthetic is more important than Reality. Fantasy forms a Blueprint for Reality, and a Mythos is the Infrastructure of Morals and Ethics that can only truly be instilled through Emotionally Moving Storytelling.
