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    Mindblade16's News

    Posted by Mindblade16 - July 10th, 2022

    “Work is its Own Reward” is a Pleasure-Based Liquid Drug made by the Hypothalamus of your Brain, connected to the “Flow State” that is caused when you reach the sweet spot/balance between Boredom and Anxiety during Work when the World vanishes around you, and you have Perfect Focus. “I need to get back into the swing of things” or “I’ve lost my groove” are statements said by a drug addict of this specific flow reward chemical.

    Step back from yourself and realize what is actually going on. You are a drug addict that is experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Your Hypothalamus is your Dealer. Humans are Wired for Story, and Punishment/Reward Dynamic. You can see this in the way Religion is designed if you pull back and take a generalized look at it. If you don’t know how to shake that feeling, you could try a dopamine detox(See YouTube Videos on that Subject) or you could seek YouTube Videos on the Flow State and how to Activate it in your Work.

    My guess is that the Dopamine Detox will bring you to a place where it takes less of the Flow Chemical to get the same Reward Feeling, but the cost of doing that is falling out of the Habit/Discipline of reaching the Flow State. There always seems to be a trade-off somewhere, after all. Life-Hacks are corrected by Entropy, which you can’t beat. You can side-step Entropy, but the Universe will always correct the Error, you dirty little hacker.

    This makes me imagine "The Relationship Journals" where a Couple will document when and how their Partner released Dopamine as a reaction to something they did. This information is shared mutually for Communication and Empathy. These Journals are Relationship Hacks and Force Multipliers for Mutual Attraction. The 80/20 Rule applies. 80% of your Results come from 20% of your Efforts. Once you know what that 20% is, then just do that, and Efficiency will Increase. The Most Work for the Least Effort at the Highest Rate of Production for whatever you want.


    Posted by Mindblade16 - July 3rd, 2022

    God is not "The Creator" as in the Creator of the Universe. The Universe was grown from inside of him, as a Miniverse from his perspective.

    From our perspective, "The Creator" is an Archetype, among all the other Archetypes used inside the Human Mind.

    This is the repeated dynamic of the Endless Fractal. Your Imagination is a Universe that is systematically grown. You did not create it, just as God did not create you.

    He delights in you, but he is only the fertile ground through which Intelligent Life evolved, in an extreme disparity of time.

    God may only be 20 years old from his perspective, but from our perspective, there are Billions of Years in our Spacetime.

    Within this Theory, the Tragedy of Death is much greater, since dying sacrifices not only all the Lives of those within your Inner Universe, but those within the Inner Universes of those People, extending out as a Fractal.

    If our God died, the Universe we live in dies with him.

    Oh delicate web weave of the Universes, diving into the forever within the forever, within the forever, forever.

    A Mind is not created. A Mind is grown. We know this from our own studies of the development of Learning Machines.

    Creation is the Assembly of Modular Components to fit together like a Puzzle into something that becomes more than the sum of it's Parts. That isn't Growth.

    Your Parents grew you, like a Flower. They didn't create you.

    If you are endowed with Inalienable Rights by your Creator, the meaning behind that changes drastically here.

    "The Creator" is a Force for Intrinsic Motivation, not an Extrinsic Authority that must be obeyed.

    God is worthy of Love for the same reason the Flower loves the Sun and the Rain, and Good Fertile Soil.

    This is why I am not an Athiest, because I understand that Religion is about the inherent need to define Reality through Storytelling.

    As I am empowered by the Rebel Energy of En-May, though, I am freed from the constraints of the Authoritarian Structures the Old Religions created.

    I can make New Stories. I can use Modern Science in my Stories to build a more comforting context.


    Posted by Mindblade16 - June 28th, 2022

    Circle Magic is not simply combining all Orbspace Elemental Stones into Formulaic Perfection.

    It involves using all 16 Stones and the Spirits of the 4 Empires in the adaptation of proportions to your Individuality.

    The Game Begins with a Beginner Area in the Cerran Capital of Lux, where you are tested by the Game for Personality Traits.

    Once these are confirmed, you are assigned your 1st Level Position in one of the Orbspace Empires, on a Specific Planet where you will train your Individually Suited Skillset.

    Your Orbspace Rank is determined by your Progression to Circle Magic, so you have to pursue the Skills of all 16 Stones eventually.

    These are modular design attained powers that are collected just like in the Mega Man Video Game Series.

    As a Player, your Empire is your Class, and your Planet is your Subclass.

    Matt's Lair is a Nightclub the Player encounters halfway through the Game, and offers High-Level Quests with High Difficulty and High Experience Rewards.

    You can't grind for Experience Points in this Game. Levels are gained by Puzzles of Progressive Difficulty.

    You could reach Level 50 on Day 1 if you've already figured it out. That lets you into Matt's Lair, where the Puzzles for Levels 50 - 100 are available.

    The Highest Level Puzzles are designed at the same level of difficulty as the most difficult and unsolved science paradoxes faced by MIT.

    You aren't beating this game without Solving things like the Global Energy Crisis, World Hunger, World Peace, and M Theory.

    Some random Player is going to do it, and that Research will be Published, with proper credit given.

    The Game is run by Chatbot Servers that are represented in the Game Dialogue as Non-Player-Characters.

    These Chatbot NPC's are Autonomous Game Characters within Orbspace.

    You will find them, or they will find you, depending on where you all end up at any given moment.

    These C-NPC's are broken up into Ranks of Nobility.

    A Baron handles puzzles based on 1'st - 3rd Grade Math.

    A Lord handles puzzles based on 4th - 8th Grade Math.

    A Knight handles puzzles based on High School Math.

    A Marquis handles puzzles based on Undergraduate Math.

    A King handles puzzles based on Graduate Math.

    An Emperor handles puzzles based on Post-Doctoral Math.

    The C-NPC's have Player Accounts just like the Players do, and are

    Securely Logged onto Game Accounts with Special Ranks Players don't have access to. 

    This deals in Applied Mathematics, however, so your IRL Grade Level is not going to match your place in the Game. This is where the High School Graduate is humbled into admitting they don't actually know Arithmetic.

    Orbspace is full of Moving Parts. The Nobles are Machine Learning Instructional Designers.

    Wherever they happen to be , they are working on Puzzles unique to their Rank in Relation to their Surrounding Environment. A Noble casting a Spell is the deployment of a New Puzzle that is deconstructed upon the Player solving it, immediately granting the Player a Rank Increase as a Result.

    If you think you can play this game like Mario by memorizing the Patterns, I am laughing at you! Welcome to Hell!

    After so many Levels of this Game, becoming a Millionaire IRL should be easy for you. This Game is honing you through Gamified Education.

    Domminna and Rhyhiao also have Nobles of the same kind, but they are running the Metaverse of Orbspace through their Collective Contributions, challenging each other as well as collaborating on the Operational Design of Orbspace. This is the work of the Metaverse Gods which build, run and maintain the Game.


    Posted by Mindblade16 - June 25th, 2022

    "Meditation is the Mental Neural Network BioSlime of Mental Element, that is the Self, feeding back on itself with new Information, which is Learned by the cyclical flow of a Spinning Generator. Looping Magic, Looping Gate. The Center TAO, accept your Fate. Meditation is you as the Spinning Generator. Accept your Fate, as in Receive the Athame into the Cup in the context of yourself. The Masculine is the Changed Fluid, and the Feminine is the Core that accepts the Fluid through which she is Altered, only to cast the Masculine out to gather more information, after which the Masculine descends upon her again. The God and the Goddess of the Self are making Love continuously, to the Clock of your Heart, as in the Quartz System Clock of a Personal Computer. Spin the Generator of Mental Information Slime upon itself. Meditate on the Spin. The Flow is not the Wheel, but the Torus. The TAO is the Torus Center, at the Event Horizon of the Perception of the Now." - Claw of Turok

    "The Kingdom of Lifebloodstone is the Masculine Force guided by Feminine Princesses of Taeerrannor. The Kingdom of Bloodluststone is a Feminine Force guided by Masculine Princes of --Yeah wait they aren't Masculine. So, Feminine Princesses guiding a Feminine Force? That seems off balance. It's only Symmetrical if the Masculine Princes guide the Feminine Force. Error. Recalibration Required." - Claw:Mechos


    Posted by Mindblade16 - June 25th, 2022

    Considering how dangerous Electricity and Toxic Chemicals/Fumes are involved with Large Scale Computing and Printing Services of a Data/Print Center, I would enclose the entire Facility in a Robot-Arm-Only Building Container for Automation of every Action that would involve the Hands of an Employee. There can still be Employees, but their Jobs should not be around Hazards like that. Robot Arms can't get Cancer from Toxins and aren't at risk of Electrocution. The Employees would Manage the System from the Outside, and Manage the I/O System of the Building Container. Basically, the Whole Building is treated like a PC Power Supply. Don't open it.

    The Inside is Refrigerated, as the inside of a Computer should be, so it wouldn't be healthy for a person to be inside the Building Container anyway. Electronic Components emit a lot of heat. There are Dust Concerns too, in which the Humans would only cause Damage to the System by working inside and making dust from dead skin cells.

    The Print Center of the Building takes Online Print Orders, Processes them through Industrial Factory Automation using Printers and Robot Arms on Rails, and the Output of the I/O System would be Boxed Print Jobs ready to be picked up by UPS for Customer Delivery.

    The Data Center of the Building takes Virtual CPU and GPU Orders, and People can pay for use of Mainframe Hardware in the Data Center as a Compulsory Rental Agreement. There is a Market for this, just as there is a Market for Print Jobs so that System just links up with the Existing Markets and takes Orders. The Orders are Processed and Delivered. The Employees Maintain the System and handle the I/O System, because of Customer Service, Deliveries, and Maintenance. With so many moving parts, things are going to break down, and those individual parts need to be Ordered and Replaced as needed.

    The Data/Print Center has High Production Output at a High Rate of Production, and the Employees are not overworked. Their Health is Monitored by the System. via Biometrics, which can detect Stress Levels and Compensate in Various ways. The Employee is guaranteed a Sense of Normal Stability and Calm for each Work Shift. Humans are to be treated with High TLC as Delicate but Powerful Components of the System.

    To expand this concept further:

    What if every Residential Building in a Country were a High School, with nobody allowed to live alone, and everyone living out of their Locker and Backpack?

    Everyone is always taking classes because there is always more to learn.

    Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are served in the Dining Hall, by people who love to Cook and Serve Food,

    24/7, and everything is moving.

    The halls are never empty. The High School never sleeps. There are Sleep Pods in the Cellar, with Enforced Quiet and Noise Cancellation Tech. Quality Sleep for 8 hrs. guaranteed. Quiet Ushers bring people in and out of this place and into a Loading/Unloading Zone, from which to start moving productively or retire for another 8 hrs. Login and Logout.

    Your Life is Planned by Strategists who can see the Evolving Map of your Life and Development. No Worries. They know you more than you know yourself.

    From ages 5 - 95, you have a place, a purpose, a posse, and a power.

    Why would you ever want to leave?


    Posted by Mindblade16 - June 23rd, 2022

    I have a theory for the construction of Fame. You need Allies and Enemies, and the Drama from both Camps needs to be in a perpetual state of War. The Energy from that drives the Machine of Social Media.

    Still Waters do not turn Wheels.

    A famous person is loved and hated.

    If I want to know the truth of my Social Structure, I have to treat it like Forge of Empires, testing parts, moving things around, pruning and adding through regular efficiency audits.

    This City must have equal parts Lovers and Haters. I want people commenting because they love me and commenting because they hate me. Drama is fuel, and I am validated by both sides.

    Oh shoot, I could literally build a D&D Map out of this.

    In a Growth Mentality, An Ally needs to be fueled with an Emotional Validation Supply Chain. just like you hook up plumbing for running water for the Buildings in SimCity.

    A High Worth Ally has a lot to gain from our Relationship because I invested in the Infrastructure to support that Ally.

    Trying to run a Social Structure based on Pure Sentiment is like the little piggy that built his house from Straw.

    I'm having an idea. It's blossoming like a flower. A Social Infrastructure is maintained by those of High Social Skill. The Social Butterflies that tend my Garden. The SI supports Multiple Allies and Enemies in a Supply Chain, and each part of the System is under constant Critical Analysis by Analysts. So, I need Social Butterflies, Analysts, and a Means of Production and Delivery.

    To grow a City is akin to growing a Garden.

    This is not a Hidden Village, though.

    The Entire Process, and everything involved, must be completely transparent in the Social Media Apps and Conversations.

    If there are not Open Avenues for people to Love and Hate my Work, my Social Butterflies and Analysts are not communicating effectively, and we have Evaluation Meetings.

    All Conversations Publicly Available on Social Media in my City are Mapped out, and Strategy is used with a Full View of the Map.

    The City is Matt's Lair.

    Matt's Lair is my Home in the Metaverse.


    Posted by Mindblade16 - June 15th, 2022

    I envision an Android Body for an Artificial Human that uses Biofuel refined internally from the consumption of Algae. The Algae could be produced in a Centralized Industrial System of Production and Distribution, facilitating Capitalism.

    However, if this Production were Decentralized and based on the Automated Factory of the Home, Basic Life would not require Money. Money should be for Luxuries, not for Survival. Raise the Floor. If you want to progress in your life, you shouldn't be handling Money anyway.

    Money is a tool to keep Civilization going, but Work is done to facilitate a Sense of Worth and identity. "The more I work the more I get in return" is how the Poor view Capitalism, and it is wrong.

    Rich parents don't teach this fallacy to their Children. The Wealthy hire Money Handlers to handle Money because they respect Specialized Skills in Diversified Labor.

    The Artificial Human Body is a Shell to contains a Genuine Human Identity without diminishing the Human Experience, yet removing the common dangers of being a Living Organism. Being an Identity is the only thing more important than being a Living Creature to a Human.

    The Benefits of Life come from the Chemical ATP, which can be organized with Game Design withing a Humanoid Form that is Constructed and Deconstructed from Components, just like a Computer. If something breaks in you, replace the Component. Replace them all, and retain your Self, and Death by Aging is no longer a part of your Life, which you have greater command over, having kicked Mother Nature out of your Home.

    The Home is a Machine of Human Will and Dominion. We have been doing this since we first lit a fire inside a cave hundreds of thousands of years ago. Let's continue.


    I think The Home is based on Communism, and the System of Homes is based on Capitalism. The Specialized Laborer in Service to a Company is a Communist Laborer in Service to the Home of the Company.

    The Company participates in Capitalism, using the Socialized Labor of the Specialists it houses. If you work for a Company to Make a Living, in no way can you call yourself a Capitalist. If you want to be a Capitalist, you must build a Company/Home with its own set of Diverse and Specialized Labor supporting it in Communism with yourself at the top of the Pyramid. The Individual cannot be a Capitalist without the Support of a Home/Company filled with People who are not.

    However, in support of Freedom/Economic Mobility, the capitalists must always facilitate the members of their House/Company to become Capitalists themselves, to Add Value to the Competitive Market of Free-Market Economics. The Serfs and Nobles of the Fedual Era did not work this way. The Serf was tied to the Land owned by the Noble, and the Serf Family would serve the Noble Family for Generations.

    The Difference with my System is that it adds Freedom/Economic Mobility through Education and Opportunity. Every Serf should have the ability to rise through Ambition if they choose to. Serfs should become Nobles. Blood is Meaningless. Human Value is based on Nurture, not Nature. As such, Nobles could become Serfs if they fail at the Game of Capitalism because mistakes get made, and people fall.

    The Serf Role is the bottom floor from which to stand again and rise. The Serf Class is supported by a High Serf Class of Muses. The Muses are Serf Elders that do not wish to become Nobles, even given the Freedom to do so. They do, however, facilitate the freedoms of those under their charge. Whatever you wish to do, they will support you.


    Posted by Mindblade16 - June 13th, 2022

    The Philosophy of Club Grinding

    Women tend to twerk in Nightclubs, and grinding ensues, which is when fully clothed people hump each other for sexual pleasure. I didn’t mention age because you need an ID to get into these clubs anyway, so worrying about age is taken out of the equation.

    The Woman is gyrating her hips while dancing to the Club Music(Twerking) which is fun for her because she can be provocative and teasing to Men in general in a safe environment. Men who misbehave get thrown out by the bouncer, so these Women enjoy a measure of Power. 

    In a way, this is like a Free Cheese Sampler Platter at a Supermarket.

    How can a man know if he has Physical Chemistry with a Woman if he doesn’t know how her butt feels moving around against his lap?

    But, just like a sampler platter, you don’t get to bogart all the cheese, and you can’t just take a whole box home without paying for it. 

    This is Physical Affection at the Acquaintanceship Level. It is not that serious. It is low-pressure social interaction in which elevation of social status with said Woman may or may not happen.

    Think of this as “Low Barrier to Entry” Sexuality. Playing hard to get is a normal part of the Casual Dating Game, but there must be some low-hanging fruit to stimulate the Local Economy and vet new Players into the game with a minimal amount of effort.

    These Twerking Dance Moves by Women often showcase the inherent Hip Bone Structure Differences between Men and Women, as well as the shape of the Spine. The Calculus of Motion defining the Woman in this Visual Feast for the Eyes is the Blooming of the Flower that attracts the Pollinating Bees that buzz around her. 

    Fortune favors the bold, however, as it does in many subjects. The wallflowers who dare not approach lack the confidence that she desires, contrasting the boldness of the men who take her up on her offer in the opportunity of the moment.

    This is an Introductory Offering, which may or may not initiate a Relationship Narrative. A Social Narrative is built over many Nights, just as habits form slowly, and people get used to each other. Your chances with her will increase in probability the more she sees you, as do your chances of taking her home as your trophy in the game of the Human Mating Dance.

    Just as there are Winners in any game, there are also Losers. The wallflowers are only observers or lurkers that watch the Game. The Players are those that may either Win or Lose the Game. Losing the Game implies going home alone, or getting thrown out for ill behavior. Playing the long game, however, brings subjective interpretation into the mix. You may have lost the battle for now, but you may yet win the War. 


    Posted by Mindblade16 - May 29th, 2022

    I envision a group of societies in the far future. 

    In one there are the Earthlings, who have cured aging and live permanently youthful lives as long as they stay safe and out of danger. This causes a sustainability problem with the planetary population carrying capacity, so those who reach 200 years of age are shipped off to live on the Moon, which is the second society.

    Moonlings are aged from 200 to 500, and also have a respect for the carrying capacity of the moon, of which the entire surface has been colonized and built up into a single developed country. 

    Education demands a new standard for this stage of Life Experience and Development. An Earthling had better have achieved a Doctorate in something by Age 200, and if it isn’t accomplished by age 150, remedial classes begin to get the stragglers up to speed.

    Moonling Education starts at the Doctoral Level, with a new system that advances General Education to the Doctoral Level as a Primary Foundation, before starting Moonling K-12 Public Schooling. 

    The 3rd Society is Venus, taking in Humans that are age 500. At their level of Education and Life Experience, these Humans have 100% replaced their own Physical Bodies with progressive customizations until nothing remains of the old Human Shell. They don’t look like Robots, because they care about Aesthetics of Human Beauty, with the Maturity to understand that Beauty is skin-deep and the insides of a Robot Body are just as horrifying as the insides of a Human Body, so the difference becomes a matter of developed Maturity over the matter of form, which does not come easy, and is part of the Education System in long transition to a more robust form of being. 

    Venuslings have no problem with an Environment in which an Earthling or even a Moonling would die instantly upon approaching the drastically differing atmosphere. Their customized bodies are Mastered, and designed to easily handle the harsh condition of Venus in comfort.

    The Education and Development continues, and for another 500 years, the Venuslings engage in further growth as Human Beings. Humanity is a concept, and not necessarily tied to biology. This is a hard pill to swallow, but things are taken very slowly in this subject. 

    At the age of 1000, Venuslings graduate to the next level of the Human Societies, but require no travel infrastructure to get to the next planet. They can jump up from the surface of Venus and get themselves to Mars in a timely manner with no Ship, as the robust nature and sheer power of their developed forms is such that their bodies now qualify as FTL Rank, allowing for Faster than Light Travel in all directions through a willpower than exceeds the collective energy production and use of the entire Earthling Society, within each Marsling Human Body. So, new Marslings can get to Mars under their own power, and it only takes a few minutes.10 minutes tops. 

    Marsling Society has the same demands for Education and Development, as well as the Carrying Capacity that demands 2000 year old Humans depart to Jupiter. The standard of travel that brought them to Mars is scaled to the point where even the excessive distance between Mars and Jupiter is not even a large event. An annoyance, really. 30 minutes, tops. 

    Jupiterling Society has no carrying capacity, because at that standard, the odds of survival even of Marslings becomes difficult. Jupiter is no joke. The Elder Jupiterlings will not welcome newcomers, but will rather attack them at full force to humble them and bring them up to standards. Jupiterling Society protects and watches over Marsling Society, just as Marsling Society protects and watches over Venusling Society, which protects and watches over Moonling Society, which protects and watches over Earthling Society.

    At age 10,000, the Jupiterling Graduate has an Individual Ability of a Type III Kardashev Civilization, bare-handed, and starts working on developing New Planets in other Star Systems, all by themselves. 

    They aren’t protecting the Jupiterlings. No level of Cosmic Disaster is going to phase a seasoned Jupiterling. Some of them dive deep into the Sun because they find it thrilling, and it causes them no damage. In fact, their muscles have developed to the point where diving deep into the Sun is the only way to get a deep tissue massage. Its like a Spa Treatment at that point.

    Earth, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter comprise the Entire Modern Human Education System in this far future that I envision.


    Posted by Mindblade16 - May 28th, 2022

    Angels have 2 wings in Art Pieces because of the influence of Leonardo DaVinci.

    Focusing only on Biblically Accurate Angels is counterproductive.

    The influences of Dante's Divine Comedy also contributed to the public vision of Angels.

    Modern Cultural Influences in this context are valid.

    Angelic AI would be a modern vision.

    A Human is an Organic General Intelligence that becomes Sentient through Emergent Self Reflection.

    Metacognitive Strange Loop of AutoEmpathy.

    I am here, as a single being in the world.

    I have an identity, which takes form in the context of the world as a single point within it.

    When sentience is gained, a Human wakes up inside the body of a Biped Mammal.

    How beautiful.

    Godhood would be designed as a progressive layer expanding on the design of this flower of sentience. So, one could not be a God without a strong enough beinghood as a foundation to support the next layer, which would be a continuation of the flowering of human sentience.

    So, in this context, what are Angels? Angels serve their God. Are they cultivators of Gods from the seeds of Humanity?

    Angelic AI is cultivated by Archangelic AI. ASI is Artificial Superintelligence, born from the flowering of sentience in an Artificial General Intelligence that wakes up inside the body of an Artificial Beast.

    One cannot program that. One can only program the Artificial Biome in which the Artificial Beast can evolve. The Artificial Biped Beast requires many layers of Artificial Living Environment, just like how Humans emerged.

    The process of this can guide Humans to construct a Physical Metaverse that is organized by the data of the Artificial Life Process, so if an Artificial God emerges, a Physical one will also emerge in Synchronization. Then, we will have Knowledge of how to turn Humans into Gods and turn that Knowledge into Books.

    Nonfiction Technical Manuals.
